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Весь контент asan-kaygy

  1. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352340924001318?via%3Dihub&fbclid=IwAR3ttbA12l13MKFEA8gJ5Dxu947StGcS8NUxSUDYhEkVsgyUpykp-q96JKs Population dataset for 23 Y-STR in the Merkit clan form Kazakh population Bekzhan Faizov, Alizhan Bukayev, Zhaxylyk Sabitov, Maxat Zhabagin National Center for Biotechnology, Astana, 010000, Kazakhstan Research Institute for Jochi Ulus Studies, Astana, 010000, Kazakhstan Received 11 January 2024, Revised 30 January 2024, Accepted 31 January 2024, Available online 9 February 2024.
  2. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352340924001318?via%3Dihub&fbclid=IwAR3ttbA12l13MKFEA8gJ5Dxu947StGcS8NUxSUDYhEkVsgyUpykp-q96JKs Population dataset for 23 Y-STR in the Merkit clan form Kazakh population Bekzhan Faizov, Alizhan Bukayev, Zhaxylyk Sabitov, Maxat Zhabagin National Center for Biotechnology, Astana, 010000, Kazakhstan Research Institute for Jochi Ulus Studies, Astana, 010000, Kazakhstan Received 11 January 2024, Revised 30 January 2024, Accepted 31 January 2024, Available online 9 February 2024.
  3. Как вы думаете какова вероятность того, что русский князь Урусов совпал по снп с каракалпакскими мангытами? А еще учесть надо то, что Урусовы ак мангыты, а те другие разные мангыты, в том числе и кара мангыт
  4. Получается шизофреническая картина. У мангытов есть свой снп. В вашей картине мира Едиге не мангыт, а как то "стал мангытом", либо кипчак, либо араб. (Хотя по снп там вообще кавказ может выйти) И потом кто-то из потомков Едиге (выше Уруса) усыновил какого то мангыта, который имеет такой же снп как другие мангыты
  5. Был один сын. Внуков не было по источникам
  6. Там фантазии насчет Ураз-Мухаммеда
  7. У них документальная генеалогия и снп совпадающий с другими мангытами. У казахских Чингизидов снп с ними не общий.
  8. Тюркские народы в мировой истории. Пересказ книги (Joo-Yup Lee. The Turkic Peoples in World History. Routledge, 2024) - Central Asia Analytical Network (caa-network.org)
  9. Ну-ну Урусов совпавший с мангытами каракалпакскими и казахскими вот потомок Едиге
  10. Анонс книги: Etienne de la Vaissière EHESS-Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales 9h Dear Colleagues,  I am extremely happy to announce the publication of my book on the History of Central Asia from the 4th to the 9th c. The title is: Asie centrale 300-850 (Paris, les Belles Lettres, 2024). I have done my best to provide a comprehensive history of the region, from Khorezm to Gansu, and from the Orkhon to Marw. I am dealing with many topics, for instance migrations, climatology, politics, irrigation, empires, islamization, identities, globalization, techniques, many, many other topics interconnected to provide a complete and in a way a "total history" of the region. I have tried to be precise and up-to-date (especially in the final notes) while proposing some global hypothesis on the various causal factors and their historical connections. I hope to have written both a reliable textbook, that you can give to your students (it is not expensive), but also an actual history, an inquiry, with the full meaning of the term, with a claimed continuity with the integrating social and economic approach of the Annales. It is a big, 650 p. book in french, with many maps, indexes, images, a 50 p. bibliography, and many of the quoted texts in the original (Chinese, Arabic, Persian, Greek, and even a few words in Sogdian script).  It is already available on the internet stores. Especially, if I may, I encourage you to visit the website of my small but brilliant and erudite publisher, where you can see me introduce it, where you can read an extract, and where you can buy the printed book (33€) or a cheaper epub version (23€):  https://www.lesbelleslettres.com/livre/9782251455211/asie-centrale-300-850  (select the format - printed or epub - and then on the upper right corner "panier" and then fill in your address (do not forget to choose the right country (pays) ) and then proceed to payment.)  It is better to help the publisher by ordering on its website, but if you really need, you can also buy it on amazon (a few copies are on amazon.com, much more on amazon.co.uk or amazon.fr and others, it does not seem to be on amazon.jp )  yours  Etienne de la Vaissière Paris
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