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Steppe Man

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  1. Steppe Man


  2. На узбека похож. Монголы охотились с кречетом. С беркутом охотились кидани.
  3. солдат казах из Сэлэнгэ аймага занял первое место в турнире по армейскому рукопашному бою в весе 80 кг. http://www.sonin.mn/news/sport/99564
  4. Государственный Слон (Улсын Заан) Д.Бумбаяр.
  5. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Сефевидское_государство
  6. баяды (баяуды) Увс аймага.
  7. Steppe Man


    tatari al-djins и turki al-djins. Может ваши алшины могут быть элжигинами..У нас называют элжигэн или элжин.
  8. In 1638, the Mongolian leader Gushri Khan met with the fifth Dalai Lama. This tiger skin tent was gifted to the fifth Dalai Lama by Gushri Khan around this time. “The tiger skin tent uses more than 100 tiger skins. The two black circles on the top are made of black bear skin, and the white part mixed with the black bear skin is camel skin. Leopard skin is used on both sides of the tent frame, along with more than 10,000 seashells set in auspicious patterns around the edges. Such a tent would have been very expensive. Considering that seashells were a kind of currency that could have been circulated in the local area, the whole tent was worth the equivalent of 200 million yuan.”
  9. HOHHOT, May 18, 2016 () -- Visitors look at exhibits of historical relics of the Khitan (Qidan) tribes, founders of the Liao Dynasty (907-1125) in the northern part of China, in the Inner Mongolia Museum, to mark the International Museum Day, in Hohhot, north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, on May 18, 2016
  10. In 1638, the Mongolian leader Gushri Khan met with the fifth Dalai Lama. This tiger skin tent was gifted to the fifth Dalai Lama by Gushri Khan around this time. “The tiger skin tent uses more than 100 tiger skins. The two black circles on the top are made of black bear skin, and the white part mixed with the black bear skin is camel skin. Leopard skin is used on both sides of the tent frame, along with more than 10,000 seashells set in auspicious patterns around the edges. Such a tent would have been very expensive. Considering that seashells were a kind of currency that could have been circulated in the local area, the whole tent was worth the equivalent of 200 million yuan.” http://e.kangbatv.com/ly/jdjs/201811/t20181123_4019861.html
  11. 100 tiger skin tent given to the third Dalai Lama by Mongol King at Litang - Sichuan Province, China, Eastern, Tibet
  12. Bigersum Freedom negdel collective Khalkha herdsmen building a ger or yurt on summer grassland pastures. First erecting the frame.Khalha East Asia Asian Mongol Uls Mongolian
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