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Steppe Man

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Весь контент Steppe Man

  1. ВСТРЕЧА ОНГУТОВ С ЕЛЮЙ ДАШИ И ПЛЕМЕНА, УВЕДЕННЫЕ ИМ НА ЗАПАД "Идя на север 3 дня, [Елюй Даши] прошел Хэйшуй1 и встретился с сянвэнем белых татар (онгутов)2 Чункуром3. Чункур преподнес в дар 400 голов лошадей, 20 верблюдов и вдоволь баранов. Идя на запад дошел до города Кэдун, где остановился в Управлении наместника Северного двора (бэйтин духу фу). [Елюй Даши] собрал вокруг себя [людей] из 7 округов - Вэй[чжоу], У[чжоу], Чундэ[джоу], Хуэйфань[чжоу], Синь[чжоу], Далинь[чжоу], Цзыхэ[чжоу] и То[чжоу], а также вождей и народ 18 племен4 - желтых шивэй, дила5, хунгиратов6, джаджиратов, ехи7, бегудов, нара8, дарахай9, дамир10, меркитов, хэчжу11, угуров12, татар (цзубу), пусувань13, тангутов, хумусы14, сидэ15 и дорбенов16". "История династии Ляо", глава 30
  2. Халхын хаад ноёд “Төрийн хар хүн” болж эхлэв /1924.03.07/ https://news.mn/r/2267971/
  3. презентация книги Койшыгара -торе Салгараулы "Мынгул мен Монгол".
  4. презентация книги Койшыгара -торе Салгараулы "Мынгул мен Монгол".
  5. Может баргуты были тюркоязычными, а кыргызы были монголоязычными ?
  6. портрет Чингисхана от халхасского чингизида Цогт хунтайджи.
  7. Китай это персидское или европейское название? The term Cathay came from the name for the Khitans. A form of the name Cathai is attested in a Uyghur Manichaean document circa 1000.[2] The Khitans refer to themselves as Qidan (Khitan small script: ; Chinese: 契丹; pinyin: Qìdān), but in the language of the ancient Uyghurs the final -n or -ń became -y, and this form may be the source of the name Khitai for later Muslim writers.[3] This version of the name was then introduced to medieval and early modern Europe via Muslim and Russian sources.[4] The Khitans were known to Muslim Central Asia: in 1026, the Ghaznavid court (in Ghazna, in today's Afghanistan) was visited by envoys from the Liao ruler, he was described as a "Qatā Khan", i.e. the ruler of Qatā; Qatā or Qitā appears in writings of al-Biruni and Abu Said Gardezi in the following decades.[2] The Persian scholar and administrator Nizam al-Mulk (1018–1092) mentions Khita and China in his Book on the Administration of the State, apparently as two separate countries[2] (presumably, referring to the Liao and Song Empires, respectively). The name's currency in the Muslim world survived the replacement of the Khitan Liao dynasty with the Jurchen Jin dynasty in the early 12th century. When describing the fall of the Jin Empire to the Mongols (1234), Persian history described the conquered country as Khitāy or Djerdaj Khitāy (i.e., "Jurchen Cathay").[2] The Mongols themselves, in their Secret History (13th century) talk of both Khitans and Kara-Khitans.[2] In about 1340 Francesco Balducci Pegolotti, a merchant from Florence, compiled the Pratica della mercatura, a guide about trade in China, a country he called Cathay, noting the size of Khanbaliq (modern Beijing) and how merchants could exchange silver for Chinese paper money that could be used to buy luxury items such as silk.[5][6] Words related to Khitay are still used in many Turkic and Slavic languages to refer to China. The ethnonym derived from Khitay in the Uyghur language for Han Chinese is considered pejorative by both its users and its referents; it also strongly connotes Uyghur nationalism.[7] The Chinese Communist authorities have attempted to ban its use by the Uyghurs.[4] Cathay and Mangi See also: Names of China § Mangi As European and Arab travelers started reaching the Mongol Empire, they described the Mongol-controlled Northern China as Cathay in a number of spelling variants. The name occurs in the writings of Giovanni da Pian del Carpine (c. 1180–1252) (as Kitaia), and William of Rubruck (c. 1220–c. 1293) (as Cataya or Cathaia).[8] Rashid-al-Din Hamadani, ibn Battuta, and Marco Polo all referred to Northern China as Cathay, while Southern China, ruled by the Song dynasty, was Mangi, Manzi, Chin, or Sin.[8] The word Manzi (蠻子) or Mangi is a derogatory term in Chinese meaning "barbarians of the south" (Man was used to describe unsinicised Southern China in its earlier periods), and would therefore not have been used by the Chinese to describe themselves or their own country, but it was adopted by the Mongols to describe the people and country of Southern China.[9][10] The name for South China commonly used on Western medieval maps was Mangi, a term still used in maps in the 16th century.[11]
  8. Монгольский лингвист С.Сэргэлэн считает ,что баргут является одним из аймаков древних уйгуров.
  9. Steppe Man


    истина -үнэн или чин үнэн. кстати этот слово есть в ДТС как инан,инанч Бильге Буку хан. Уйгурский Инанч Бильге Буку хан.И найманский Инанч хан. https://www.facebook.com/Sergelen.international.expedition/photos/найман-болон-хэрэйдийн-дээдэс-уйгурын-хойчис-болно-уйгурын-дээдэс-хүннүгийн-хойч/710579842749338/ Sergelen international expedition September 7, 2019 · Найман болон Хэрэйдийн дээдэс Уйгурын хойчис болно. “Уйгурын дээдэс Хүннүгийн хойчис болно” гэж Хуучин Тан төрийн бичиг дэх Уйгурын шастирт бичигджээ. Хэрэйд, Найманууд нь өнөөгийн Халхын дээдэс болно. Халхууд нь зүүнээс ирсэн цөөхөн Киад, Боржигон болон бусад овгуудыг өөртөө уусгасан хэрэйд, наймаанууд болно. Энэ удаагийн өгүүллийн гол зорилго нь эх сурвалжаар XIII зууны Хэрэйд, Найман нь Өтүгэн дэх Уйгурын хойчис гэдгийг батлахад оршино.
  10. Steppe Man


  11. Steppe Man


    История древних уйгуров это история нынешных монголов. https://sergelen.org/post/765e1397
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