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Steppe Man

Маньчжурская кухня

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Manchu-Han Banquet

The Manchu-Han Banquet originated during the Qing Dynasty, and is the consummate culinary combination of nutrition, aesthetics and flavor. Legend has it that the feast was made famous by Emperor Kangxi, who after trying one bite of every dish, asked for a calligraphy brush and penned out four characters, “Man Han Quan Xi”, and thus the feast was named. Thanks to the emperor’s approval, the banquet quickly became popular among the royal family, and from there trickled down into the populace.

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Все таки не зря я вас называю амбанем.

Молодец, вы настоящий специалист по мандаринской кухне. ))  


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5 монгольских рецептов приготовления бордового маньчжурского салата.



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