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Весь контент Hooker

  1. Ойратский Галдан бошигт не может быть кыргызам.
  2. Мангасы бывают разные в разных сказках.
  3. Скажите пожалуйста как 10 тысяч монголов могли окружить и почти полностью разгромить 100 тысяч русских на Калке? Тамерлан-Узбек.
  4. Китайцы боятся войны только на северном направлении.
  5. Hooker


    Кто они? Керейты?
  6. Китайцы пишут свою историю ,что 500 тысяч китайских солдат были разбито ойрат-монголами Эсена. http://www.travelchinatour.com/china-history/ming-dynasty-history.html
  7. Вполне вероятно,что они осколки каракытаев.Кесек(Хэсэг) на монгольском: часть,каракесек черная часть.
  8. Каракесек это Кытай? Какие связи могут быть между племени Кытай и Аргын? Каракесек это тоже подрод монгольских кереев-молкы.
  9. Hooker


    Халха-Монголы в Бурятии. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0CLhN7C2Ako
  10. Наши южные соседи хорошо знали ,что при равных силах не разгромить армию кочевников.Поэтому китайцы всегда собрали очень большое воиско в решительных боях.До этого они тоже собрали полумиллиона войска. Тогда все думали одинаково ,что воина с монголами требует войска в достаточном количестве ,а не высокого качества.
  11. Наверное,китайцы определяли численность своих конниц в 50-60 тыс. http://www.laohats.com/studypages/mongol_invasions.htm
  12. Не знаю. Все-таки можете считать,что общая численность монголо-ойратского войска составляла 20—30 тыс,чел ,китайцев были 500-600 тыс.Эсен тайш был из чингисидов по матери. А как на счет этой цитаты?
  13. Ойлгох-Понимать. Ухаж ойлгох-Понимать глубинно. Оюун-Ум, разум,мысль. Жолоо- в широком смысле http://www.bolor-toli.com/index.php?pageId=10&go=1&direction=mn-en&search=%D0%B6%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%BE&langId=mn
  14. Оюун ухаан это типа мысль,понимание. В монгольском ещё одно слово Цөм-тоже весь,целый. Хамаг,Бүтэн,Цөм,Булт,Хамт... много.
  15. Американские генеалоги установили,что нынешные казахи-потомки монгольских воинов 13 века.А также они считают,что Алтай это прародина американских индейцев.
  16. Никогда не думал,что на огузском так много одинаковых слов.По монгольски. SÜLƏ- (DLT) = выводить войско перед врагом-Сул орхих,сул тавих-оставить свободно. SÜRÜG-сүрэг-стадо. SÜMÜK -Это наверное сум-стрела, SÜNqÜŞ -Шумбах,шунгах, типа атакавать. Это тоже монгольское слово "Бүтэн"-весь,целый. Хамаг Оюу- Хамаг Оюун ухаан? Очень интересно. По монгольски: хошун,хошууч цэрэг-"передовой воин"
  17. Говорят,что монголы 3 раза осадили Пекин в своей истории для выгодных условий торговли.Набеги на китайские города- это другое занятие.
  18. Hooker


    Они более волосатые, чем другие халхи.
  19. Что значат слова Жагат, Чатыские татары? Как связаны между собой эти понятия.
  20. Tumu Crisis From Wikipedia, Tumu Crisis Part of Ming-Mongol War Date September 1, 1449 Location -Xianfu Result -decisive Mongol victory Belligerents Mongols -Ming Dynasty Commanders and leaders Tayisung Khan-Esen taishi,Alag-Temur -Zhengtong Emperor ,Wang Zhen†Zhang Fu† Strength 30,000 men- 500,000 men Casualties and losses -minimal 200,000+ men The Tumu Crisis (simplified Chinese: 土木之变; traditional Chinese: 土木之變; pinyin: Tŭmù zhī Bìan); also called the Crisis of Tumubao (simplified Chinese: 土木堡之变; traditional Chinese: 土木堡之變; pinyin: Tǔmù zhī Biàn) or Battle of Tumu Fortress (Chinese: 土木之役; pinyin: Tǔmù zhī Yì), was a frontier conflict between the Oirat Mongols and the Chinese Ming Dynasty which led to the capture of the Zhengtong Emperor on September 1, 1449 and the loss of an army of 500,000 men to a much smaller force.[1] This outcome was largely due to the Chinese army's remarkably bad deployment. The Ming expedition is regarded as the greatest military debacle of the dynasty. In July 1449 Esen Tayisi (Chinese: 也先台吉) of the Oirat Mongols launched a large-scale three-pronged invasion of China with his puppet khagan Toqtaq-Buqa. He personally advanced on Datong (in northern Shanxi province) in August. The eunuch official Wang Zhen, who dominated the Ming court, encouraged the 22-year-old Zhengtong Emperor to lead his own armies into battle against Esen. Esen's raiding army in size is unknown but a best guess puts it at some 20,000 men. The Ming army of about 500,000 men was hastily assembled; its command was made up of twenty experienced generals and a large entourage of high-ranking civil officials, with Wang Zhen acting as field marshal. On August 3, Esen's army crushed a badly supplied Chinese army at Yanghe, just inside the Great Wall. The same day the Emperor appointed his half-brother Zhu Qiyu as regent. The next day he left Beijing for Juyong Pass. The objective was a short, sharp march west to Datong via the Xuanfu garrison, a campaign into the steppe, and then to return to Beijing by a southerly route through Yuzhou. Initially the march was mired by heavy rain. At Juyong Pass, the civil officials and generals wished to halt and send the emperor back to Beijing, but their opinions were overruled by Wang Zhen. On August 16, the army came upon the corpse-strewn battlefield of Yanghe. When it reached Datong on August 18, reports from garrison commanders persuaded Wang Zhen that a campaign into the steppe would be too dangerous. The "expedition" was declared to have reached a victorious conclusion and on August 20 the army set out back toward China proper. Fearing that the restless soldiers would cause damages to his estates in Yuzhou, Wang Zhen took the decision to strike northeast and return by the same exposed route as they had come. The army reached Xianfu on August 27. On August 30, the Mongols attacked the rearguard east of Xianfu and wiped it out. Soon afterwards, they also annihilated a powerful new rearguard of cavalry led by the elderly general Zhu Yong at Yaoerling. On August 31 the imperial army camped at the post station of Tumu. Wang Zhen refused his ministers' suggestion to have the emperor take refuge in the walled city of Huailai, just 45 km ahead. Esen sent an advance force to cut off access to water from a river south of the Chinese camp. By the morning of September 1, they had surrounded the Chinese army. Wang Zhen rejected any offers to negotiate and ordered the confused army to move toward the river. A battle ensued between the chaotic Chinese army and the advance guard of Esen's army (Esen was not at the battle). The Chinese army lost all organization and was almost annihilated. The Mongols captured a huge quantity of arms and armour while killing most of the Chinese soldiers. All the high-ranking Chinese generals and court officials were killed. According to some accounts, Wang Zhen was killed by his own officers. The Emperor was captured, and on September 3 was sent to Esen's main camp near Xianfu. The entire expedition had been unnecessary, ill-conceived, and poorly commanded. The Mongol victory was won by an advance guard of perhaps as few as 5,000 cavalry. Esen, for his part, was not prepared for the scale of his victory or for the capture of the Ming Emperor. At first, Esen attempted to use the captured emperor to raise a ransom and planned to conquer the undefended Ming capital of Beijing. However his plan was foiled, due to steadfast leadership of the Ming commander in the capital, Yu Qian. The Ming leaders rejected Esen's offer, Yu stated the country was more important than an emperor's life. The Ming never paid a ransom for the return of the Emperor as Esen released him after four years. Esen himself faced growing criticism for his failure to exploit his victory over the Ming and he was assassinated six years after the battle in 1455. Although the Oirats later occupied the Ordos Desert, they never again seriously threatened the Ming state. http://enc.tfode.com/Tumu_Crisis
  21. Википедия. 20000 монголов против 500000 китайских солдатов. Победили монголы.Минский император Жен Тун находился в плену 4 года. http://mn.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A2%D1%83%D0%BC%D1%83%D0%B3%D0%B8%D0%B9%D0%BD_%D1%82%D1%83%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%BB%D0%B4%D0%B0%D0%B0%D0%BD
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