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Altai Xangai

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Весь контент Altai Xangai

  1. Где наш Байзда? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Re4sFvXICsU&playnext=1&list=PL57DEF0C5FEE8FDDA&index=1
  2. по логику Донгакy, карты Кыргызский каганат тоже будет оскорбительно для тувинского и монгольского народа, потому что сейчас карты Кыргызский каганат уже неактуально. Что тут оскорбительно для тувинского народа в "Карта Халха Монголии.1820 год"? Это ж карта 1820. Халхаский 4 аймака. Туштеу-ханский аймак. Цэцэн-ханский аймак. Сайн-ноинский аймак. Цзасакту-ханский аймак. Ховдский край Урянкайский край. Нельзя отрицать историческую факту.
  3. Де-фа́кто, суверинитета Калмыкии-это невозможно даже Де-ю́ре, калмыкия давно потерялa свой шанс
  4. важно сохранить? КЗстанцы сами не впутываете в нормальныи жизнь казахы в Монголии, тогда все будет хорошо сохранятся почему диаспора? Когда не был Казахстан, наши казахи были гражданiHaMы Монголии, как и мы халхасы, дербеды, буряты. Казахи тоже Монголы!, В Монголии, как и любой стране, люди воспитаны (1) в традиционной системе ценностей, они лояльны (2) семье, (3)государству, (4) работодателю. вопрос тут: Кому лояльны наши казахы, Монголию или КЗ? Стратегически важно? - Что этот Стратегически важность? Игра что ли, Какой роли играть будете сами Казахы в Монголии, в роле пишка на шахматной доске?. по-моему если этот не взаймовыгодно, скоро будет появиться другой Джа лама, нехорошо для всем.
  5. Altai Xangai


    нам не жить с русскими/русифицированними/казахами/другими
  6. Шаньюй (кит. трад. 單于, упр. 单于, пиньинь shànyú) — титул главы хунну.
  7. [транслит удален, предупреждение - Стас]
  8. who cares now, How long will you whine over what happened hundreds of years ago. Move on, Bro
  9. podrobnee pojaluista? Za4em on uehal v 4uzhoi stranu, i stat "Oralmanom". PS: jalko stariku, Po-moemu emu nado bylo sidit' v Mongolii, jit' v uvajenie. Ili on stal jiznenii Senator v Parliamente, ili v hudwom stala by posol Mongolii v Kuveiti ili. Jizni ego byla by lu4wee. On ne poluchil yagody svoi delo-demokrati4eski. Vmeste Sairaana , on doljen byt' bogatyi 4elovek
  10. http://www.mad-mongolia.com/news/mongolia-news/mongolia-mongolian-kazakhs-and-kazakhstan-2253/ Mongolia, Mongolian Kazakhs and Kazakhstan Written by G.Chingis on Tuesday, August 17, 2010.
  11. As everyone knows, Mongolia is made up of a large territory with a small population. There are no ethnic minorities here except for the Kazakhs. The Kazakhs of Mongolia make up about 6 percent of the total Mongolian population of 2,700,000. This is a relatively small minority and is represented by three Members of the Mongolian Parliament. In any country, it is understandable that there will be speculation about the relationship between people of the majority and the minority. Mongolian Kazakhs are very lucky in this case. If you visit Bayan Ulgii aimag, where Kazakhs pre-dominantly live, you will see that everyone speaks Kazakh. People seem to speak Kazakh there more than in Kazakhstan. Therefore, even the Vice Minister of Education, Culture and Science Mrs. Kulanda (an ethnic Kazakh) urged Kazakhs to study Mongolian in her speech during last week’s Prime Minister S. Batbold’s visit to Bayan Ulgii. To put this in a historical perspective, Kazakhs came to Mongolia after the 1864 Tarbagatai protocol between Russia and the Qing Dynasty. Some western sources record that Kazakhs came after the Bolshevik revolution in Russia. Either way, Mongolian Kazakhs had a very interesting history during the first half of the 20th century. Between 1921 and 1940, the Kazakhs were administered by Chandamani Uul aimag, then in Hovd aimag. In 1940, in order to assist Soviet operations in Xinjiang, a new aimag was found for the Kazakhs and Altai Uriyankhais – Bayan Ulgii. Until 1945, Mongolians provided military support to Kazakh resistance fighter Osman. Chinese recognition of Mongolian independence in 1946 saw the end of that operation. Then, Bayan Ulgii aimag survived as a normal aimag despite the abortion of the operation in Xinjiang. Later, Soviet style industrialization brought many Kazakhs to the coal mines of Nalaikh and other industrial sites such as Erdenet and Darkhan. Since Mongolians followed Soviet style ethnic policy, many Mongolian Kazakhs received good education along with the Mongolians. They achieved the highest positions in the Communist party, Government and Armed Forces. Therefore, Kazakhs used to know three languages: Kazakh, Mongolian and Russian. For example, the rector of the High Party School was Kazakh national, Mr. Hurmatbek. His deputy was Mr. Miegombo, father of the current Deputy Prime Minister Mr. M. Enkhbold. The Democratic revolution of 1991 brought many Kazakhs to the Mongolian Democratic Party, such as Mrs. Kulanda, current Vice Minister of Education, Culture and Science, Mr. Murat, former Member of Parliament, Mr. K. Sairan, former Member of Parliament, current Mongolian ambassador to Kuwait, but some of them kept their membership with the former Communist Party (Mongolian People’s Revolutionary Party), such as all three current Members of Parliament from Bayan Ulgii. The Democratic revolution was accompanied by a drastic economic crisis mostly due to the collapse of the Soviet Union and also the Eastern Bloc cut all traditional economic ties. In 1992, the President of Kazakhstan Mr. N. Nazarbaev invited all overseas Kazakhs to return to their homeland. By 1994, some 60,000 Kazakhs had left Mongolia. Some of them returned back to Mongolia later or they maintain dual citizenship, which is illegal by Mongolian law. Of course, the current country of Kazakhstan is not just a big replica of Bayan Ulgii. Kazakhs from Kazakhstan speak a different form of the Kazakh language; there are many other ethnic groups in Kazakhstan. Russian is still widely used in organizations and companies. Kazakhstan has put forward an ambitious goal to require the Kazakh language to be used in all governmental organizations. Later it will gradually become required in businesses and other places, such as hospitals, universities etc. Even Kazakhs agree that Mongolian Kazakhs speak better Kazakh than Kazakhs from Kazakhstan; having kept their Kazakh traditions alive. Unfortunately, the transition to a market economy in Mongolia did not bring big benefits for Bayan Ulgii. Like any remote province in Mongolia, Bayan Ulgii suffered from the collapse of the socialist system; artificially created plants and industries buckled. Suddenly, all services and goods became very expensive. Of course, people from other provinces fled to Ulaanbaatar city. People of Bayan Ulgii preferred to stay there or to move to Kazakhstan. Air tickets to Bayan Ulgii are nearly the same price as a ticket to fly to Beijing or even to Seoul. Since the democratic revolution, Kazakhs paid more attention to the Kazakh language and most of the teachers left the country or province. Interestingly, Bayan Ulgii is rich with mineral deposits. The biggest reserve of silver (Asgat) is located there. Mongolians, along with Kazakhs lost a unique opportunity to start operations of Asgat in 2007 when the Russian company Polymetal was ready to start operations there. Unfortunately, now Bayan Ulgii is the poorest province in all of Mongolia. In terms of social welfare and education it holds all of the last place positions among other provinces. Of course, Kazakhstan could make many remarkable changes in Bayan Ulgii aimag if they choose to. Unfortunately, Kazakhstan officials prefer to visit Ulaanbaatar city when they come. Kazakhstan does, however, try to invest in Mongolia. Unfortunately, there is one big obstacle for Kazakhstan’s investments here. During socialist times, Mongolia’s Erdenet plant did not receive several millions USD from the Kazakhstan plant it said was owed to them. This situation has yet to be resolved. For Mongolia, this is still considered to be a huge amount of money, and for the Kazakhs it is quite difficult for them to accept this debt. If they accept this debt, the worry is that later others might come forward with similar claims. In 2006, a huge Kazakhstan delegation under the leadership of Kazakhstan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs K. Tokayev visited Mongolia. At that time, he stated that the Republic of Kazakhstan plans to invest 2 billion USD in Mongolia. Unfortunately, Kazakhstan spent three years doing reconnaissance and in the end, they basically withdrew from Mongolia. It is clear that Kazakhstan does not yet have substantial experience with foreign investment, which was the main reason for their failure in Mongolia. No one knows what the future holds for local Kazakhs. They might fly back to Kazakhstan or they might continue living with Mongolians. At the end of the day, the future of Mongolian Kazakhs is in the hands of local Kazakhs themselves.
  12. Altai Xangai


    Можно подробнее, у нас в Монголии нету никакой документации о военных действий Максаржава в Туве.
  13. Altai Xangai


    I see. CONGRATULATION to MONGUSH It is on the news thanks to ArigUs TV http://arigus-tv.ru/news/detail.php?ID=17342 Представители всех монгольских народов приняли участие в "Сурхарбане-2010" Стрельба в «сур», или более привычно - Сурхарбан. Традиционный бурятский национальный праздник поставил точку в Конвенте монголов мира. Это сделало «Сурхарбан-2010» особенно знаменательным. Древние традиции на новый лад. Сурхарбан сегодня - это смесь прошлого и настоящего. Но одно остаётся всегда неизменным – если до начала праздника погода горожан не баловала, то в самый спортивный день Конвента монголов мира в Улан-Удэ установилась по-настоящему летняя жара. И вот наступил долгожданный момент. Китай, Монголия, Калмыкия, Тыва, Бурятия, Иркутская область и Забайкальский край. «Сурхарбан-2010» переливался всеми красками монгольских народов мира. ..............................................................И вот Монгуш Кижиг исполняет танец орла. Сегодня его день. Несмотря на то, что во время финального поединка возникли кое-какие разногласия, он сделал своим соплеменникам настоящий подарок. Тувинцы празднуют победу, впервые в истории монгольской борьбы чемпионом стал не монгол, а тувинец, это настоящий фурор..........................................................................
  14. Altai Xangai


    если тувинцы не монголы, почему они участвуют в IV генеральной сессии Конвента монголов мира,идентифицируются с монголами.
  15. Altai Xangai

    Уличные музыканты

    Уличные музыканты
  16. баярын мэнд It was great to hear Har Sarnai again. memories of 90-ies
  17. I. Манж- tea which is served for buddhist monks when monks having religious reading Mанжлаx - having a time to drink tea (Манж) II. Mанж үг– flattering words, insincere or excessive praise words. This word is to meant about flattery as of manju nation. Mанжлаx - the act or practice of flattering in order to achieve own goal. III. Mанж. - Manju nation after word zurchid was forbidden to use. This is mongolian phrase
  18. I. Манж- хурал ном хурж байгаа лам нарын уух цай. Mанжлаx - хурлын лам нарын манж уух. II. Mанж үг– бялдуулчилсан үг. Энэ үг манж үндэстэн шиг бялдуучилсан, хүний ая тал зассан авир төрх гаргах гэсэн санааг утга шилжүүлэн хэрэглэсэнээр үүссэн ба манай улсын түүхэн хөгжлийн үйл явц ийнхүү нөлөөлжээ. Mанжлаx - бялдуулчилах, ая тал засах This is probably chinese word regarding their preference to Manjus ove Mongols.
  19. Altai Xangai


    konechno takoe festival budet horoshii brand dlya Tuva. U nas toje est' music festival " Roaring Hooves" , uje 11 let. Snachala lyudi pisali nehorosho o festivale. Seichas nash festival uje stal "one the best music and cultural tour events". In 1999, a new star at the sky of international music festivals was born: ROARING HOOVES, " ... one of the 50 most unbelievable trips in the world ..." (GEO December 2007) http://www.roaringhooves.com
  20. не знаю ТУВА ЦАЙ, может быть в Увсе так называют у нас говорят только "НОГООН ЦАЙ"-кирпичный чай.
  21. http://forum-eurasica.ru/ Чорос и Чурас Среди моголов и джунгар reicheOnkel
  22. почему казахы не открывают памятник Чингис хану. они много пишут что Шынгыс хан- казах, лично так хочу видить памятник Чингис хана в Астана
  23. а я серьёзно. у нас девочки не хуже чем мальчики. Мальчики пусть станут солдатикы. Девочки станут учителници, врачы, ухажают за родителе. поэтому у наш семья больше ценилось рождение девочки.
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