Хотел бы напомнить из словаря Клосона
ulus has f curious history; originally it meant
'country' in a geographical sense, as opposed to
1 e:l (q.v.) with its political implications, but
it began to be associated with the names of
cities, and by xi in some languages it meant
'city' rather than 'country'. An early l.-w. in
Mong., where it became ultts to comply with
Mong. phonetics and acquired a political
rather than a geographical sense. It was
originally used for the largest political unit
known, the Mong. empire (see xni below),
and when this was split into four between the
four sons of V'ng's '' was used for each of these
four parts, e.g. 'the ulus of (^agatay1. Then,
since the Mongols thought more in terms of
peoples than of territories, it came to mean 'a
confederation of peoples (&1)\ the peoples
being divided into 'tribes' (aymag), the tribes
into 'clans' (boy), and these into families
(urug). All these words, except perhaps the
third, were Turkish and the second, fourth,
and fifth have a continuous history in Turkish,
but the first had so completely lost its original
meaning that when it was reintroduced into
Turkish it appeared in its Mong. form ulus
(not ulu?) and with its Mong. meaning. Ulus
seems to survive only in NW Kar. L. R 11697;
in all other language groups (except NC where
it is obsolete) it is ulus 'nation, people, tribe',
and the like. Turku vni (in the list of foreign
powers represented at Kill Tegin's funeral)
Buxarak ulu? 'the country of the Bokhariots'
(prob. in Tnner Mongolia, not Hokhara itself,
see S. G. Klyashtorny, Drevnetyurkskie
runicheskie pamyatmki, Moscow, 1964 pp.
126 ГГ.) / N 12: Uyg. vni ff., Man.-A ulu?
'country', several occurrences M J 26, 25-9:
Man. K090 ulu? iki otuz balik 'the country
of Косо and its 22 towns' M III 40, 6 (ii);
burxanlar ulusi 'the country of the
Buddhas' TTIII53. 164; a.o. do. 60-1 (1 e:l):
Bud. Cambudvip ulu? 'the country of
Jambudvipa' Uiien-U. 184; TT VIII K.%;
Baranas ulu? 'the country (or city?) of
Benares' PP 23, 7; 44, 2; Cinade? ulu? 'the
country of China' Нпея-ts. 240, 267; 0.0. TT
Fill A31 (1 e:l);C.i(2illlg); £.17; TT IV
io, 21 (1 e:l); F/oR; F7/40, 34; U II 23,21;
PP 3, 6-7 (ulu? bodun 'the people of the
country'); 30, 8; 62, 3 "Civ. kamag el uluslar
'all realms and countries' TT I t; bahk ulu?
do. 7; a.o. USp. 88, 15: xiv Chin.-Uyg. Did.
kuo 'country' (Giles 6,609) ulus (sic) R I 1646;
Ligeti 274: Xak. xi ulu? in the language of
CJgll al-qarya 'village'; and among the people
of Balasagun, and the towns (or districts?
bilad) of Argu associated with it, al-balda
'town' (or district?); hence the town (balda) of
Balasagun is called Ku:z Ulu:s (sic) Кщ. I
62: KB telim artti elde yam kend ulus
'many new towns (Hend.) sprang up in the
realm' 1043; kend uluska 4316; ulu?tin
uluska k6ciigll kisl 'a man who travels from
one town to another' 4814: \Ii(?) KBVP kayu
kend ulu? ordu karsi yer-e 'every town...
D Ulus Dev. N. fr. ule:- usually a Cone. N.
'share, portion' with some specific applications
like 'chapter' (of a book) and 'fraction'; practically
syn. w. and commoner than ulUg.
S.i.a.m.l.g.; in some NE languages ules. See
Doerfcr II 546. Uyg. vinff. Bud. (Sanskrit lost)
ya:nm Ulus 'a half TT VIII A.v, nom
Uliisin bulir 'receives his share of the doctrine'
TT VI 78; 0.0. do. 305, 375 (v.l.);
(I am) blr tatifu yernin Ulusi bolup 'a fraction
of a morsel of earth' U III 37, 26; kaz
iiyiiri evininin yetinf Ulusinfe 'of the size
of one-seventh of a perilla seed' Pfahl. 6, 6;
onunc iiliis 'Chapter 10' USp. 94, 12; a.o.
Hiien-ts. 6: Civ. tttz Iiliis 'equal parts' (of
various ingredients) HI 166; II 8, 42 and
44; (if I marry and have other children) ol
oglanlar birle ter, Sk ulus (PU) kobi
berUrmcn 'I will bequeathe him an equal
share with those children' USp. 98, 17-18:
Xak. xi iiliis al-nasib 'share, portion'; the
-s was originally (asluha) -g; (here follow
iiliig and ulus); iiliis tafriqatu'l-ansiba'
bayna'l-qatom 'the distribution of shares among
a number of people'; the -s is altered from -g
(Ar. parallel quoted) Kas. I 62: KB tegse
erke ultis 'if a man gets his share' 673; 0.0.
432(erej), 1129, 1420 (bd:z), 1686: xin(?) At.
iiliis boldi miili kisiler ara 'his wealth was
distributed among others* 243; Tef. ulus 'part,
share' 338: xiv Muh.(}) al-nasib Ulus Rif. 188
(only): <?я§. xv fT. Ulus bir miqdar ve bir
boli'tk ve bir baxf 'a certain quantity, one part,
one share' (quotn.); iilus also hissa ve nasib
'portion, share' (quotn.) Vel. 118; tilus hissa
wa buhra wa rasad ditto San. 86r. 27 (quotn.):
Xwar. xiv ulus 'share' Qutb 203; Nahc. 30,
1; 141, 12: Kom. xiv 'part, share' ulus CCI,
CCG; Gr. 270 (quotns.): Kip. xiv (ulu: and)
iiliis ('with front vowels') al-nasib Id. 20;
al-hiffa Ultis Bui. 6, 4: xv cuz' wa'l-nasib
'part, share' uitis Tuh. 12a. 2; nasib iiliis
do. 36b. 10: Osm. xiv fT. ulus 'part, share';
c.i.a.p. TTS 1743; // 949; III 728; IV 802.