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Методологические замечания к статье С. Каржавина «Роль калмыков в формировании генетического портрета казахского этноса. Опыт имитационного моделирования исторического развития популяций»


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Рецензия на статью А.А. Алиева и С.А. Барр-Кумаракуласингха «Откуда в Индии арии? Три ответа на один вопрос»


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Гитлер - представитель гаплогруппы E1b1b.

Если кому интересно:

Date: Wed, 18 Aug 2010 13:22:11 -0400 (EDT)

From: Jackbowk@aol.com

Subject: [DNA] Did Hitler belong...?

Hitler's father was Alois, ne' Shicklgruber, who was illegitimate, and carried his mother's (Maria) surname. The doubt otherwise is whether his bio father was the man who later married his mother, Georg Hiedler.

Alois himself changed the surname to Hitler. There has been surmise the 'Hitler' was a clerical error re Hiedler>Hitler but some think that's a mistake that would have been corrected. So there's a whiff of onion about the 'Hitler' spelling. [Hiedler had a brother who spelled the name HUTTLER (the U had an umlaut-sorry). Hiedler later was declared by the authorities to be Alois' bio father but neither mother nor father ever acknowledged this.]

Alois was a 'street angel'; and a 'house devil' it appears. He did well professionally but was a drinker and terror at home. Nevertheless, women seemed fascinated. He had an illegitimate son who died early, married another woman, Anna, while having a mistress or likely two (incl Klara), married

again, Fanni, and had two children [Alois Jr - before the marriage - & Angela] while keeping Klara and another mistress. Widowed again, he married Klara and they had six children, of whom Adolf was the fourth, the last being Paula. [The first three died young, Gustav (born five months after the

marriage) & Ida from diptheria, Otto shortly after birth. The fifth child, Edmund, died young of measles.]

Alois Jr traveled to Ireland, where he met and married Bridget. They moved to Liverpool and had a son William Patrick Hitler in 1911. Alois moved to Germany and WW I began, keeping the damily apart. However, Alois then committed bigamy and Bridget was out of his life. Ultimately he moved to

Berlin and opened a bar/keller which was very popular with the Nazis of course. Angela became Adolf's housekeeper for many years.

William Patrick Hitler visited Germany often but finally decided he was an anti-Nazi and moved to the USA in 1939. He in turn had four sons, living under assumed names and have remained unmarried rather than continue the line.

So tracing the Hitler Y would be possible with these man on Long Island, or any males from the Hiedler/Huettler lines, which would have to be compared with that of Alois Junior's descendants in the USA.

[Angela had children but the one son would be excluded of course. The next child, Geli, was the one who committed suicide, with whom Adolf was rumored to have had an affair. Another daughter had a son. Paula had no children.]

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Пять новых гаплогрупп мтДНК найдено в Китае благодаря накоплению большой статистики - 6093 образца от 84 популяций.

Large-scale mtDNA screening reveals a surprising matrilineal complexity in East Asia and its implications to the peopling of the region

Qing-Peng Kong1,2,*, Chang Sun1, Hua-Wei Wang3, Mian Zhao1,2, Wen-Zhi Wang1,2, Li Zhong3, Xiao-Dan Hao1,2, Hui Pan1,2, Sha-Yan Wang4, Yao-Ting Cheng1,2, Chun-Ling Zhu1, Shi-Fang Wu1, Li-Na Liu1, Jie-Qiong Jin1, Yong-Gang Yao5 and Ya-Ping Zhang1,2,3,*

1 State Key Laboratory of Genetic Resources and Evolution, Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650223, China

2 KIZ/CUHK Joint Laboratory of Bioresources and Molecular Research in Common Diseases, Kunming 650223, China

3 Laboratory for Conservation and Utilization of Bio-resource, Yunnan University, Kunming 650091, China

4 Shenzhen People's Hospital, Clinical Medical College of Jinan University, Shenzhen 518020, China

5 Key Laboratory of Animal Models and Human Disease Mechanisms, Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650223, China

* Address for correspondence and reprints: Dr. Qing-Peng Kong E-mail: kongqp@yahoo.com.cn, Tel: +86 0871-519 7967, Fax: +86 0871-519 7967, or Dr. Ya-Ping Zhang, E-mail: zhangyp@mail.kiz.ac.cn, Tel: +86 0871-519 0761, Fax: +86 0871-519 5430

Received for publication March 4, 2010. Accepted for publication August 10, 2010.

In order to achieve a thorough coverage of the basal lineages in the Chinese matrilineal pool, we have sequenced the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region and partial coding-region segments of 6,093 mtDNAs sampled from 84 populations across China. By comparing with the available complete mtDNA sequences, 194 of those mtDNAs could not be firmly assigned into the available haplogroups. Completely sequencing 51 representatives selected from these unclassified mtDNAs identified a number of novel lineages, including five novel basal haplogroups that directly emanate from the Eurasian founder nodes (M and N). No matrilineal contribution from the archaic hominid was observed. Subsequent analyses suggested that these newly identified basal lineages likely represent the genetic relics of modern humans initially peopling East Asia, instead of being the results of gene flow from the neighboring regions. The observation that most of the newly recognized mtDNA lineages have already differentiated and show the highest genetic diversity in southern China provided additional evidence in support of the Southern-Route peopling hypothesis of East Asians. Specifically, the enrichment of most of the basal lineages in southern China and their rather ancient ages in Late Pleistocene further suggested that this region was likely the genetic reservoir of modern humans after they entered East Asia.


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Гитлер - представитель гаплогруппы E1b1b.

Уважаемый Асан.

К какой гаплогруппе ДНК относится ваш президент?

Можете сказать ,если это не секрет. У нас часто говорят,что Н.А.Назарбаев из найманов.

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Уважаемый Асан.

К какой гаплогруппе ДНК относится ваш президент?

Можете сказать ,если это не секрет. У нас часто говорят,что Н.А.Назарбаев из найманов.

Назарбаев не из найман а из шапрашты. Ни он ни один известный мне шапрашты не тестировались, поэтому утверждать что-либо не берусь.

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Судя по проводимой им политике он к Монголии не тяготеет. К России - да. :)

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Судя по проводимой им политике он к Монголии не тяготеет. К России - да. :)

Гаплотип не определеяет сознание.

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Вышла on-line статья про гаплогруппу С: Malyarchuk B., Derenko M., Denisova G., Wozniak M., Grzybowski T., Dambueva I., Zakharov I. Phylogeography of the Y-chromosome haplogroup C in northern Eurasia // Annals of Human Genetics. 2010.


Большое спасибо за ссылку, уважаемый Денису Григорьеву и Дмитрию адамову!

Авторам огромный респект за статью.

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Гаплотип не определеяет сознание.

Это была шутка, но чем черт не шутит? ;)

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Ура, вышли таки гаплотипы некоторых башкир:

A major Y-chromosome haplogroup R1b Holocene era founder effect in Central and Western Europe // European Journal of Human Genetics doi: 10.1038/ejhg.2010.146

Natalie M Myres et al.

The phylogenetic relationships of numerous branches within the core Y-chromosome haplogroup R-M207 support a West Asian origin of haplogroup R1b, its initial differentiation there followed by a rapid spread of one of its sub-clades carrying the M269 mutation to Europe. Here, we present phylogeographically resolved data for 2043 M269-derived Y-chromosomes from 118 West Asian and European populations assessed for the M412 SNP that largely separates the majority of Central and West European R1b lineages from those observed in Eastern Europe, the Circum-Uralic region, the Near East, the Caucasus and Pakistan. Within the M412 dichotomy, the major S116 sub-clade shows a frequency peak in the upper Danube basin and Paris area with declining frequency toward Italy, Iberia, Southern France and British Isles. Although this frequency pattern closely approximates the spread of the Linearbandkeramik (LBK), Neolithic culture, an advent leading to a number of pre-historic cultural developments during the past ≤10 thousand years, more complex pre-Neolithic scenarios remain possible for the L23(xM412) components in Southeast Europe and elsewhere.


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В общем часть башкир реально близка казахским кипчакам.

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В общем часть башкир реально близка казахским кипчакам.

Вот эти?


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Вот эти?


Эти башкиры близки казахскому торы-кипчаку, но думаю тот торы-кипчак не основная часть казахских кипчаков.

Те башкиры которые имеют в 390 аллели значение 19 (а не 22-24) близки основной массе казахских кипчаков.

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Эти башкиры близки казахскому торы-кипчаку, но думаю тот торы-кипчак не основная часть казахских кипчаков.

Те башкиры которые имеют в 390 аллели значение 19 (а не 22-24) близки основной массе казахских кипчаков.

Ну тогда, вероятно эти :


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Они самые.

Аsan-kaygy, авторы работы дают комментарии относительно места происхождения(р-он, село) этих башкир ? Может быть родо-племенная классификация?

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Аsan-kaygy, авторы работы дают комментарии относительно места происхождения(р-он, село) этих башкир ? Может быть родо-племенная классификация?

Где-то в приложении есть география, у меня сейчас нет времени разобраться с башкирами, как только найду время разберусь и все посмотрю.

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in Southeast Europe and elsewhere.


Статью скачать бесплатно нельзя, но гаплотипы из сапламентари можно.


В общем часть башкир реально близка казахским кипчакам.

Вот эти?

Те башкиры которые имеют в 390 аллели значение 19 (а не 22-24) близки основной массе казахских кипчаков.

Я тут составил таблицу, по 9-ти маркерам ;)


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По информации, полученной от В. Харькова и озвученной на форуме: «Хочу отметить, что разные коллективы авторов часто используют разные номенклатуры для обозначения одних и тех же аллелей по некоторым YSTR. DYS389 - это самый противный из всех, т.к. в мировом научном сообществе нет единства во мнениях относительно учета его размеров. 1. структура 389I такова [TCTG]3[TCTA]n. И разные авторы либо учитывают, либо не учитывают эти [TCTG]3. Это вносит существенную путаницу. Так что генотип 13-29 это то, же самое что 10-16, он же 10-29, он же 13-16»

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