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Достижения Mongol


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  1. Moi brat rodom, kak i ya, Mongol. Golovoi na sever oznachayet "vosvratit'sya" (v sush'estve, reincarnatsiya ). Sever = nazad. I takje Mongoli allergichni vsio shto yujnee - I kitai, I tibet. Nedarom Chingiskhaan skazal: "Өглөө бүр өмнө зүгт Тангуд улс буйг сануулж бай" - Kajdoye utro napominai mne shto Tangut (Tibet) sush'estvuyet na Yug.
  2. Ya kak tol'ko sprosil moego brata i on podtverdil chto Mongoli horonyat sobak golovoi na sever.
  3. Here are some 'traditions' the Mongolian elderly thought out to eat the tender and the tastier. They say that if you eat: Brain - you'll become stupid Jaws - you'll statter Eyes - you'll become cross-eyed Tongue - you'll salivate all the time Soft palate - you'll develop seisures.... By the way, the above came from a well renowned Mongolian circus clown Batsukh and, obviously, was a joke. On a more serious note, whenever we had a sheep slaughtered, the heart and tongue usually used to go to my dad. It is said that if you eat soft palate, one becomes very skillful ( in sewing for example) so, usually women gets it. I used to get the kidneys (pochki) don't know why but I loved them. Fried lever is difficult to resist too, so are the blood sausages. Okay since the topic is about the intestines, one should try "YALBAG". This is usually made from intestines of a tarbagan( Surok). Extremely nutritious, so all you'd have is two, three mouthfull and you'd be full. On a little off topic, they say that the dried and ground meat ("borts") of a whole steer ("castrated bull") will fit into its testicle sack. So, Mongolian warrior would have few of those sacks and ready to go conquer the world. Not sure if one classify Mongolia as Central Asian but here is a bit about Mongolian cooking from intestines. Mongol
  4. Eto ne po moim svedeniam, tol'ko po pamyati ya chital v detsve, ya mojet bit' ne prav. Posvol'te mne proverit' i vozvratit'sya Vam. I bankhar sovsem ne smotritsya kak angliiskii - kto to dumal tak zdes' v forume. U menya net banxara, tol'ko dvoe drugih porod. I jivu yav Canade. S yvajeniem, Mongol
  5. Galina Nikolaevna, Pozvol'te mne samomy perevedit' na russkii chto ya pisal. Zaranee isvinayus' esli ne zvuchit ne tak po-russki, kak ya ne pol'sovalsya russkim pochti sto let. Hardly bankhar looks like an english bulldog. Bankhar is much bigger and tougher. The English bulldogs, though they look tough, boy they're high maintenance (I have a puppy myself). You have to clean the wrinkles, the tailpit and the mouth. Otherwise they'd easily get infected and you would have to shell out big bucks for antibiotics. Anyways, I love Bankhars but they can be mean to outsiders. Ne mogu skasat' chto Bankhar smotrit'sya kak angliiskii bulldog. Bankhari krupnee i bolee vinosliv. Angliiskie bulldogi, hotya kajetsya vinoslivimi, im nujna mnogo uhoda ( u menya samomu schenok). Mne prihodit'sya chistit' eio skladki na litse, yamku pod hvostom i mordu (pochti kajdii den'). A ne to, ona legko infetsiruetsya i mne prihodit'sya kupit' antibiotikov i zaplatit' dorogo. Bsio je ya lyublyu Bankharov, tol'ko inogda oni chujih ne lyubyat. Oh and when the dog dies, Mongolians give them an utmost respect when they bury them. They'd put a butter (shar tos) in their mouth, cut their tail and put under their head and orientate the body head looking North ( North symbolizes "hoid dyr" or the reincarnation in the future). This is to make it easier for the dog to reincarnate into human. At the reincarnation, the new human has a food in his mouth, won't have a tail to deal with and ready to rumble. I kogda sobaka umiraet u Mongolov, oni horonyayut eios bol'shim uvajeniem. Mongoli kladut maslo v eio morde, otrezayut ei hvost, cladut pod golovoi, i orienturiet eio golovoi na Sever( Sever oznachaet "hoid dur" ili reinkarnatsiyu v budush'em). Eto gotovit sobaku k eio perevoblosh'eniyu v cheloveka. Kogda ona perevoplosh'yaetsya, u neyu pish'a vo rtu, net problem s hvostom i ona gotova "zavoyevat' mir". Kstati, lyublyu Vashi fotki i rasskazi o sobakah.
  6. Oh and when the dog dies, Mongolians give them an utmost respect when they bury them. They'd put a butter (shar tos) in their mouth, cut their tail and put under their head and orientate the body head looking North ( North symbolizes "hoid dyr" or the reincarnation in the future). This is to make it easier for the dog to reincarnate into human. At the reincarnation, the new human has a food in his mouth, won't have a tail to deal with and ready to rumble.
  7. Hardly bankhar looks like an english bulldog. Bankhar is much bigger and tougher. The English bulldogs, though they look tough, boy they're high maintenance (I have a puppy myself). You have to clean the wrinkles, the tailpit and the mouth. Otherwise they'd easily get infected and you would have to shell out big bucks for antibiotics. Anyways, I love Bankhars but they can be mean to outsiders.
  8. Voprosi po noveish'oi istorii: Kakova jizn' kazakhov v Kazakhstane immigrirovavsh'iesya s Mongolii. Kak mestnie kazakhi prinyali novoselov and kakova ih tochki zrenia o novoselah. Kak novie kazakhstanzi smotryat nazad na ih predidush'uyu rodinu (Mongoliu). Chital mnogo spornih reportov ob etom i hochu is'yasnit' s istochnika. Izvinyaus' zaranee esli kakie-nibud' oshibki v moyom voprose.
  9. Altai- Xangai, Po-prosite s uvajeniem etih gentlemenov( u nih mngo vremeni) perevedit' etot interview. Oni kazakhi, chleni Ikh Khurala (Mongol'skogo Parliamenta): Халидолдайн ЖЕКЕЙ: jekei@parliament.mn, Хавдисламын БАДЕЛХАН badyelkhan@parliament.mn, Алмаликийн ТЛЕЙХАН: tleikhan@parliament.mn. Po websaitu parliamenta, oni vladeyut po-krainem mere russkim yazikom. Pochemu to oni ne polojili kazakhskii v spiske yazikov na ih anketah.
  10. Kajetsya eto inteview s Zardikhanom Kinayatin. Kogda to on bil chlenom Baga Khural -( Malii Sovet) Mongolii. Immigriroval v Kazakhstan. Ne mogu pomoch' s kazakhskim.
  11. Edva li on (Baron Ungern) vstaval gummanno za Mongolov. Kstati, govoryat chto Baron Ungern zapryatal mnogo zolota gte to v nineshnei Mongolii. Kto nibud' imeet kakih nibud' idei gde on zapryatal? Budet interesno idti na expeditsiyu naiti ih. Slihal, gde to v Pol'she jivut ego rodstvenniki. Russkim pisat'pozabil, pochti 18 let ne pol'zovalsya. Eto ochen' horoshii forum. Budu naveschat' chasche.
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