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На МолГене запостили новую работу :


A dynamic 6,000-year genetic history of Eurasia's Eastern Steppe

Choongwon Jeong,  View ORCID ProfileKe Wang, Shevan Wilkin, William Timothy Treal Taylor, Bryan Miller, Sodnom Ulziibayar, Raphaela Stahl, Chelsea Chiovelli, Jan H. Bemmann, Florian Knolle, Nikolay Kradin, Bilikto A. Bazarov, Denis A. Miyagashev, Prokopiy B. Konovalov, Elena Zhambaltarova, Alicia Ventresca Miller, Wolfgang Haak, Stephan Schiffels, Johannes Krause, Nicole Boivin, Erdene Myagmar, Jessica Hendy, Christina Warinner

doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.03.25.008078



Вроде как есть палеоднк  хунну, тюрков и уйгуров . Изучайте, я ещё не смотрел. :)

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 Уйгуры :

OLN001.A F D4 - Uigur
OLN001.B M B5b1a Q1a1 (Q-F1215; Q-F1096) Uigur
OLN002 F T1a1 - Uigur
OLN003 M T1a1 R1b1a2 (R-PF6505; R-M269) Uigur
OLN004 F H4a1a1a - Uigur
OLN005 M H6b R1b1a2a2 (R-Z2105; R-CTS1078) Uigur
OLN007 M D4 C2e1a1a (C-F3864; C-M407) Uigur
OLN008 F D4i - Uigur
OLN009 F J1b1b1 - Uigur
OLN010 M G3a3 R1b1a2a2 (R-Z2105; R-CTS1078) Uigur
OLN011 M B5b2a R1b1a2a2 (R-CTS1078) Uigur
OLN012 F D4j10 - Uigur
ZAA001 F A24 - Uigur
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Тюрки :

NOM001 M U7a3a R1a1a1b2 (R-Z93) Turk
TSB001 M H14b J1a (J-CTS5368) Turk
UGU001 M D2 J2a (J-L559; J-M410) Turk
ULI002 M B4c1a2a J2a (J-L559; J-M410) Turk
ZAA002 M C4a2a1 C2b1a1b1 (C-F3830) Turk
ZAA004 M D4b1a2a1 C2b1a1b1 (C-F3830) Turk
ZAA007 F D4l2 - Turk
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Хунну :


AST001 F I1a - early Xiongnu
JAG001 M F1b1f - early Xiongnu
SKT001 F U5a1i - early Xiongnu
SKT002 M G2a1e R1b (R-M343) early Xiongnu
SKT003 F I1a - early Xiongnu
SKT004 F U2e1a1 - early Xiongnu
SKT005 M F1b1f R1b1 (R-M415; R-P25_1) early Xiongnu
SKT006 M G2a1e R1 (R-P236; R-M173) early Xiongnu
SKT007 M C4 Q1a2a1c (Q-L334; Q-L330) early Xiongnu
SKT008 M H Q1a2a1c (Q-L334; Q-L330) early Xiongnu
SKT009 M I1a R1a1a1b (R-Z647; R-Z645) early Xiongnu
SKT010 F I1a - early Xiongnu
SKT012 M C4a1a4a J2a1h2 (J-L25) early Xiongnu
SAN001 F F1b1e - lateXiongnu
UGU004 F C4a1a4a - lateXiongnu
SOL001 F I4a - lateXiongnu
DEL001 M D4j11 Q1a2a1c1 (Q-L332; Q-L329) lateXiongnu
BTO001 M Z4a Q1a2a1c (Q-L330) lateXiongnu
CHN010 M D4j12 C2b1a1b (C-F1756) lateXiongnu
DOL001 F C4a1a - lateXiongnu
IMA001 F C4a1a+195 - lateXiongnu
IMA002 F D4j5a - lateXiongnu
IMA003 M D4j5a R1a1 lateXiongnu
IMA004 M G2a+152 Q1a2a lateXiongnu
IMA005 M D4j5a N1c1a1a lateXiongnu
IMA006 M A24 Q1a1a1 lateXiongnu
IMA007 F A+152+16362 - lateXiongnu
IMA008 F N9a - lateXiongnu
JAA001 F M10a1b - lateXiongnu
KHO006 M C5b1b C2b1a1b (C-F3937; C-F1756) lateXiongnu
KHO007 M - CT (CT-M5603; CT-M168) lateXiongnu
TEV002 F C5b - lateXiongnu
TEV003 M N9a1 C2b1a1b(C-F1756) lateXiongnu
TUK003 F J1d5 - lateXiongnu
UGU011 F HV6 - lateXiongnu
ULN004 F C5a1 - lateXiongnu
UVG001 F G2a2 - lateXiongnu
ATS001 F C4a1a - lateXiongnu
BAM001 F D4j3 - lateXiongnu
BRL002 F HV6 - lateXiongnu
BRU001 M D5b1b2 J1a2b (J-P58) lateXiongnu
BUR001 F T2b - lateXiongnu
BUR002 M U2e1 E1b1b1a1b2 (E-V22; E-L677) lateXiongnu
BUR003 M J2b1a2a R1a1a1b (R-Z647; R-Z645) lateXiongnu
BUR004 F G2a5 - lateXiongnu
DUU001 F D4b1a2a1 - lateXiongnu
DUU002 M F2a R1a1a1 (R-Page7; R-M417) lateXiongnu
HUD001 F K1a19 - lateXiongnu
NAI001 M K1a12a1a J2a1h2 (J-L25) lateXiongnu
NAI002 / NAI003 M C4a2c1 R1a1a1b1 (R-Z283) lateXiongnu
SON001 M D4 NO (NO-M2308; NO-M2313) lateXiongnu
TMI001 F J2b1a2a - lateXiongnu
TUH001 M B5a2a1a C2b1b1 (C-M86) lateXiongnu
TUH002 M B5a2a1a J2a (J-M410) lateXiongnu
UGU005 M U4a1 R1a1a1b2a2a (R-Z2123) lateXiongnu
UGU006 M Z1a J1 (J-M267) lateXiongnu
UGU010 M - R1a1a1b2a2a (R-Z2123) lateXiongnu
YUR001 M D5a2a1 N1 (N-L735) lateXiongnu
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43 минуты назад, Samtat сказал:

Уйгуры :

OLN005 M H6b R1b1a2a2 (R-Z2105; R-CTS1078) Uigur
OLN010 M G3a3 R1b1a2a2 (R-Z2105; R-CTS1078) Uigur
OLN011 M B5b2a R1b1a2a2 (R-CTS1078) Uigur

Эти уйгуры похоже потомки афанасьевцев.

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Надо было разделить точнее, там у них градация идет западные, остальные,  хунно-сарматы и ханьские(?) хунну.

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25 минут назад, Samtat сказал:

Хунну :

SKT007 M C4 Q1a2a1c (Q-L334; Q-L330) early Xiongnu  
JAG001 M F1b1f - earlyXiongnu_rest
SKT002 M G2a1e R1b (R-M343) earlyXiongnu_rest
SKT004 F U2e1a1 - earlyXiongnu_rest
SKT005 M F1b1f R1b1 (R-M415; R-P25_1) earlyXiongnu_rest
SKT006 M G2a1e R1 (R-P236; R-M173) earlyXiongnu_rest
AST001 F I1a - earlyXiongnu_west
SKT001 F U5a1i - earlyXiongnu_west
SKT003 F I1a - earlyXiongnu_west
SKT008 M H Q1a2a1c (Q-L334; Q-L330) earlyXiongnu_west
SKT009 M I1a R1a1a1b (R-Z647; R-Z645) earlyXiongnu_west
SKT010 F I1a - earlyXiongnu_west
SKT012 M C4a1a4a J2a1h2 (J-L25) earlyXiongnu_west
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38 минут назад, Samtat сказал:

Хунну :

BRL002 F HV6 - lateXiongnu_sarmatian
BUR001 F T2b - lateXiongnu_sarmatian
BUR002 M U2e1 E1b1b1a1b2 (E-V22; E-L677) lateXiongnu_sarmatian
BUR003 M J2b1a2a R1a1a1b (R-Z647; R-Z645) lateXiongnu_sarmatian
BUR004 F G2a5 - lateXiongnu_sarmatian
DUU001 F D4b1a2a1 - lateXiongnu_sarmatian
HUD001 F K1a19 - lateXiongnu_sarmatian
NAI001 M K1a12a1a J2a1h2 (J-L25) lateXiongnu_sarmatian
NAI002 / NAI003 M C4a2c1 R1a1a1b1 (R-Z283) lateXiongnu_sarmatian
TMI001 F J2b1a2a - lateXiongnu_sarmatian
UGU005 M U4a1 R1a1a1b2a2a (R-Z2123) lateXiongnu_sarmatian
UGU006 M Z1a J1 (J-M267) lateXiongnu_sarmatian
UGU010 M - R1a1a1b2a2a (R-Z2123) lateXiongnu_sarmatian
ATS001 F C4a1a - lateXiongnu_han  
BAM001 F D4j3 - lateXiongnu_han  
BRU001 M D5b1b2 J1a2b (J-P58) lateXiongnu_han  
EME002 F B5a2a1b - lateXiongnu_han  
SON001 M D4 NO (NO-M2308; NO-M2313) lateXiongnu_han  
TUH001 M B5a2a1a C2b1b1 (C-M86) lateXiongnu_han  
TUH002 M B5a2a1a J2a (J-M410) lateXiongnu_han  
YUR001 M D5a2a1 N1 (N-L735) lateXiongnu_han  
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19 minutes ago, Le_Raffine said:

А вообще насколько можно доверять таким данным? Там же не написано вот тут хунну лежит, а тут коктюрк.

Ну обычно генетики полагаются на мнение археологов, так что это вопрос того как археологи определяют кто хунну, а кто кёктюрк.

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17 минут назад, Samtat сказал:

Кидани :


ULA001 M Y1a J2a2 (J-L581) Khitan
ZAA003 F F2a - Khitan
ZAA005 M D4c1b1 J2a (J-L212; J-M410) Khitan



That's so interesting to see a subclade of Eurasian J haplogroup in the Proto-Mongolic tribe.

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19 минут назад, Samtat сказал:

Кидани :


ULA001 M Y1a J2a2 (J-L581) Khitan
ZAA003 F F2a - Khitan
ZAA005 M D4c1b1 J2a (J-L212; J-M410) Khitan



Какие интересные результаты.

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Монголы позднего средневековья ?

ARG001 M G2a1 R1a1a1b2a2b (R-Z2122) Mongol
ARG002 F M10a2 - Mongol
ARG003 M C4a2a1 C2b1a1b1 (C-F3830) Mongol
BAU001 F N1a1a1a1 - Mongol
BAZ001 F G3a3 - Mongol
BRG001 F M7b1a1a2 - Mongol
BRG002 F G2a5 - Mongol
BRG004 M D4c2a CT (CT-M5613; CT-M168) Mongol
BRG005 M G1a N1c2b2 (N-L665) Mongol
BRL001 F G1a1a - Mongol
CHD001 F F1g - Mongol
CHN014 F D4l2 - Mongol
DAR002 F A11 - Mongol
DAS001 M N1a1a1a1a C2b1c (C-M546; C-F1918) Mongol
DEE001 F B4d1'2'3 - Mongol
DUU002 M F2a R1a1a1 (R-Page7; R-M417) Mongol
ERD001 F B4f - Mongol
GTO001 F M7b1b - Mongol
GUN002 F F1a1 - Mongol
GAN002 F A11a - Mongol
IKU001 F F1b1b - Mongol
KGK001 F D4b1a2a1 - Mongol
KHL001 F F1b1b - Mongol
KHN001 / KHN002 M D4j5a C2b1a1b1 (C-F3830) Mongol
KHU001 M C4a1a Q1a2a (Q-L55; Q-L53) Mongol
KHV002 M C5a1 N1c2b2 (N-L665) Mongol
KNN001 M Z3c O2a1c1a5 (O-M5420) Mongol
KNU001 F F1b1f - Mongol
KRN001 M Z3c C2b1b1 (C-M86) Mongol
KRN002 F A18 - Mongol
KHO001 M D4 J (J-CTS10446; J-M304) Mongol
MRI001 M D4m D (D-F1137; D-M174) Mongol
NRC001 F A - Mongol
RAH001 F F1b1e - Mongol
SHA001 M D4a1 C2b1c (C-F3795; C-F1918) Mongol
SHG001 M M9a1a C2b1a1b1 (C-F3830) Mongol
SHG002 M D4o1 N1c1a1 (N-L708) Mongol
SHG003 M G2a2a C2b1c (C-F4002; C-F1918) Mongol
TAH002 M B4b1b D1a2a (D-P47) Mongol
TAV001 M M9a R1a1a1b (R-Z645) Mongol
TAV005 M D4j+16311 R1b1a2(R-PF6475,R-M269) Mongol
TAV006 F HV2a2 - Mongol
TAV011 M C4b1 R1a1a1b2a2a (R-Z2123) Mongol
TSA001 M T1a1 C2b1a1b1 (C-F3830) Mongol
TSA002 M D4o2a C2b1 (C-F1788; C-F1699) Mongol
TSA003 M D4j3 C2b1c (C-F3939; C-F1918) Mongol
TSA004 M D4a1 D1a1a (D-N1) Mongol
TSA005 M Z1a N1c1 (N-L395; N-M46) Mongol
TSA006 F F1b1f - Mongol
TSA007 F M8a2'3 - Mongol
UGO001 F K2a5b - Mongol
UGO002 M U5a1a1 O2a2b1a1 (O-Page23) Mongol
UGU002 M B4a2b1 R (R-P224; R-M207) Mongol
ULN011 M A2a3 O2a2b1a1a (O-F42; O-F8) Mongol
UGU003 F U3a - Mongol
UUS002 M X2d1 Q1a1a1 (Q-M265; Q-M120) Mongol
ZAM001 M D4q R1a1a (R-L449; R-M512) Mongol
ZAM002 M B6a D1a1a (D-N1) Mongol
ZAR002 F F1 - Mongol
ZAY001 M M9a1b2 O2a2b1a1a (O-F8) Mongol
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10 минут назад, Samtat сказал:

Монголы позднего средневековья ?

ARG001 M G2a1 R1a1a1b2a2b (R-Z2122) Mongol
ARG002 F M10a2 - Mongol
ARG003 M C4a2a1 C2b1a1b1 (C-F3830) Mongol
BAU001 F N1a1a1a1 - Mongol
BAZ001 F G3a3 - Mongol
BRG001 F M7b1a1a2 - Mongol
BRG002 F G2a5 - Mongol
BRG004 M D4c2a CT (CT-M5613; CT-M168) Mongol
BRG005 M G1a N1c2b2 (N-L665) Mongol
BRL001 F G1a1a - Mongol
CHD001 F F1g - Mongol
CHN014 F D4l2 - Mongol
DAR002 F A11 - Mongol
DAS001 M N1a1a1a1a C2b1c (C-M546; C-F1918) Mongol
DEE001 F B4d1'2'3 - Mongol
DUU002 M F2a R1a1a1 (R-Page7; R-M417) Mongol
ERD001 F B4f - Mongol
GTO001 F M7b1b - Mongol
GUN002 F F1a1 - Mongol
GAN002 F A11a - Mongol
IKU001 F F1b1b - Mongol
KGK001 F D4b1a2a1 - Mongol
KHL001 F F1b1b - Mongol
KHN001 / KHN002 M D4j5a C2b1a1b1 (C-F3830) Mongol
KHU001 M C4a1a Q1a2a (Q-L55; Q-L53) Mongol
KHV002 M C5a1 N1c2b2 (N-L665) Mongol
KNN001 M Z3c O2a1c1a5 (O-M5420) Mongol
KNU001 F F1b1f - Mongol
KRN001 M Z3c C2b1b1 (C-M86) Mongol
KRN002 F A18 - Mongol
KHO001 M D4 J (J-CTS10446; J-M304) Mongol
MRI001 M D4m D (D-F1137; D-M174) Mongol
NRC001 F A - Mongol
RAH001 F F1b1e - Mongol
SHA001 M D4a1 C2b1c (C-F3795; C-F1918) Mongol
SHG001 M M9a1a C2b1a1b1 (C-F3830) Mongol
SHG002 M D4o1 N1c1a1 (N-L708) Mongol
SHG003 M G2a2a C2b1c (C-F4002; C-F1918) Mongol
TAH002 M B4b1b D1a2a (D-P47) Mongol
TAV001 M M9a R1a1a1b (R-Z645) Mongol
TAV005 M D4j+16311 R1b1a2(R-PF6475,R-M269) Mongol
TAV006 F HV2a2 - Mongol
TAV011 M C4b1 R1a1a1b2a2a (R-Z2123) Mongol
TSA001 M T1a1 C2b1a1b1 (C-F3830) Mongol
TSA002 M D4o2a C2b1 (C-F1788; C-F1699) Mongol
TSA003 M D4j3 C2b1c (C-F3939; C-F1918) Mongol
TSA004 M D4a1 D1a1a (D-N1) Mongol
TSA005 M Z1a N1c1 (N-L395; N-M46) Mongol
TSA006 F F1b1f - Mongol
TSA007 F M8a2'3 - Mongol
UGO001 F K2a5b - Mongol
UGO002 M U5a1a1 O2a2b1a1 (O-Page23) Mongol
UGU002 M B4a2b1 R (R-P224; R-M207) Mongol
ULN011 M A2a3 O2a2b1a1a (O-F42; O-F8) Mongol
UGU003 F U3a - Mongol
UUS002 M X2d1 Q1a1a1 (Q-M265; Q-M120) Mongol
ZAM001 M D4q R1a1a (R-L449; R-M512) Mongol
ZAM002 M B6a D1a1a (D-N1) Mongol
ZAR002 F F1 - Mongol
ZAY001 M M9a1b2 O2a2b1a1a (O-F8) Mongol

Да там , на Дальнем Востоке и в Монголии ,еще задолго до ЧХ  видно еще та  каша была , даже у киданей - J2, племена все время перемешивались и формировали разные ханства, ведь у современных монголов и щас разные гаплы.

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22 минуты назад, Samtat сказал:

TAV001 M M9a R1a1a1b (R-Z645) Mongol

TAV005 M D4j+16311 R1b1a2(R-PF6475,R-M269) Mongol

TAV006 F HV2a2 - Mongol

TAV011 M C4b1 R1a1a1b2a2a (R-Z2123) Mongol

Это образцы со средневекового элитарного захоронения Таван Толгой. И вновь результаты удивляют.

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7 часов назад, Samtat сказал:

ARG001 M G2a1 R1a1a1b2a2b (R-Z2122) Mongol

Этот уже судя по мтДНК из местных, возможно потомок бронзовиков R-Z2122.

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"Most Uyghur period individuals exhibit a high, but variable, degree of west Eurasian ancestry - best modeled as a mixture of Alans (a historic nomadic pastoral group likely descended from the Sarmatians and contemporaries of the Huns (Bachrach, 1973)) and an Iranian-related (BMAC-related) ancestry - together with Ulaanzuukh_SlabGrave (ANA-related) ancestry (Fig. 3e). The admixture dates estimated for  the ancient Türkic and Uyghur individuals in this study correspond to ca. 500 CE: 8±2 generations before the Türkic individuals and 12±2 generations before the Uyghur individuals (represented by ZAA001 and Olon Dov individuals)."

"Following the collapse of the Uyghur empire, we documented a final major genetic shift during the late medieval period towards greater eastern Eurasian ancestry, which is consistent with historically documented expansions of Tungusic- (Jurchen) and Mongolic- (Khitan and Mongol) speaking groups from the northeast into the Eastern Steppe (Biran, 2012)."

In your face MR. ADMIN :)

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  • Admin
2 часа назад, Идикут сказал:

"Most Uyghur period individuals exhibit a high, but variable, degree of west Eurasian ancestry - best modeled as a mixture of Alans (a historic nomadic pastoral group likely descended from the Sarmatians and contemporaries of the Huns (Bachrach, 1973)) and an Iranian-related (BMAC-related) ancestry - together with Ulaanzuukh_SlabGrave (ANA-related) ancestry (Fig. 3e). The admixture dates estimated for  the ancient Türkic and Uyghur individuals in this study correspond to ca. 500 CE: 8±2 generations before the Türkic individuals and 12±2 generations before the Uyghur individuals (represented by ZAA001 and Olon Dov individuals)."

"Following the collapse of the Uyghur empire, we documented a final major genetic shift during the late medieval period towards greater eastern Eurasian ancestry, which is consistent with historically documented expansions of Tungusic- (Jurchen) and Mongolic- (Khitan and Mongol) speaking groups from the northeast into the Eastern Steppe (Biran, 2012)."

In your face MR. ADMIN :)

У современных кыргызов условно "арийская" гапла, но они однозначно не европеоиды. Так что "This information is not important"

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