Sartuul Mongol
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Ya ne slujil v armii. Eto ne moi delo. Я стрелял хорошо ухо тарвагаа несколько раз
It was good documentary Пиши, пиши письмо. Они поимут Не забывай писать YOUR RETURN ADDRESS тоже
kazah does not like the name - XACAГ. No idea why? hasag tereg - is carriage, cart
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mongolian_People's_Army http://www.indexmundi.com/mongolia/military_profile.html Although Mongolians are not military oriented people now, there is conscript service obligation -18-25 years of age for compulsory military service.
You should notice that Mr Kok used it -Sart- with evil intention to degrade other ethnic groups. Ya ne v obide. Only it is not good for him mentally. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sartuul - it is just a name of mongolian ethnic group which considered to be part of Khalkha Mongol. After death of Gersenz Huntaiji who is son of Batmunkh Dayan Khaan, his wife divided his Mongol clans into her (sons of Gersenz) 7 son. After death of Gersenz, his queen Khatunhai divided 12 tribes to 7 sons otog in following manner- 1. Ashinhai received :- Uneged and Jalair tribes 2. Noyondoi recieved :- Besud and Iljigen tribes 3. Noomoh receieved Gorlos and Hersuud tribes 4. Amindural reveived Huree and Tsoohor tribes 5. Dari received Khokhuud and Hatagin tribes 6. Daldan hundlun received Tangud and Sartuul tribes 7. Camu buma received Urianhai tribe. - Daldan hundlun received 2 foreign clan of Tangud and Sartuul tribes as his possession. Sartuuls are the descendants of Artisans from Central Asia (Qwaresm) moved to Mongolia by Chinggis Khaan after Fall of Qwaresm. As Tangud and Sartuul became more Mongolian, Dayan Khaan included into Khalkha Mongol formation. Sartuuls became loyal to Mongol clan unlike Tanguds (descendants of Xia Xia-Hashin oron) who immigrated to South during internal war between Mongol khans- unrest of ZasagtKhan. Sartuuls were always governed by sons of Daldan Hundlun who is Borjigon (All Mongolian aritsocrats-taiji are from Chinggis' Khaan's line- Khiyad Borjigon clan). Today Sartuul Khalkhas are in sginificant number and divided into 22 subclans which dwell on Zavkhan province. Mongolia is not tribalist country. 1-2 President of Mongolia were from Sartuul Mongol area.
Ah Qazq -zachem tebe nujen byti таким грубыm. Roditeli ne vospitavali tebya chto li a chto znachit "SART"? --------------------------------------------------------- In a more civilized world, Mongol man and Kazakh lady are dancing together
Name- Chinggis is not given to Mongol child. Reason is as explained before it is heavy meaning for child's life ( that child should live upto the name, ) and also this name is for the One- Temujin. The name "Chinggis", it is very heavy for Mongolia itself. No Mongolian leader could not achieve what he achieved, so any mongolian leader is under that shadow. Temujin is very popular name for children. Name Chinggis is- name for King of Kings ( Great Khaan of Khaans), not for ordinary mortals. Even Chinggisids did not have name Chinggis. There is Only One Chinggis Being Chinggisid is serious issue in Mongolia. If you find yourself descendant of Chinggisid, you've better keep it within your family and continue the lineage generation to generation. Tragedy of being Chinggisid is that Chinggisids were favorite target of internal struggle, Soviet Stalinist Purge, Manchu/Chinese occupants. There are many people west/ central asians carry name with Chengiz/ Bek/ Khan regardless of their origin and status in society. Mongols don't carry name Chinggis/ Khan/ Khaan/Bek/Begi. These are titles for aristocrats. How could some one give his child a name Khan when he is just an child. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Someone said vodka called Chinggis. That is just commerce, modern way of marketing just like anywhere in the world. Plus Chinggis Vodka is one of the Best Exports of Mongolia, in case if you don't know. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
you should go and visit mongolia and see yourself I don't understand your intention. Certainly i started to feel that you don't want to debate on historical facts. Maybe you are the Mr Kazahskyi Sportivnyi Academik. I think you should have more academic approach to prove your point. Why don't you publish a book on your theory instead of copying your comments here and there for many years. It will not earn any point for you. You main goal seems like 1. Chinggis is Kazah, 2. Halha Mongols are not real Chinggis Mongols To achieve your goal to prove your 2 points, you should have more sciantific appraoch. In order to do that you should apply for scholarship in well established Universities ( Western Universities,) with Mongol Study Departments. Schools in Hungary, USA, Russia, China would be good option. Japan is currently heading Mongol Study Write your scientific essays, take part in Mongol study or Central Asian Study Symphosiums. As a Mongolian, i don't own Chinggis at all, this name belongs to World. At the same time, I believe Chinggis Khaan is Mongol and he is our founding father of Mongol State. At the same time i recognise that his sons and descendants were founding fathers of many states Asia, specially in Central Asia.
This site is Buddhist website run by Don Croner. He travelled around Mongolia extensively than any kazah. He has good knowledge of Mongolian history. But he has his own bias attitude, as a buddhist he wants to to show the world Mongolia was all buddhist. That is not true. He likes to quote from buddhist book "Rosary of White Lotuses" which is written by well known buddhist monk wanted to show Mongols that Chinggis was Reincarnation of Buddhist god. So that supposed to make easier to convert Mongols easier into Buddhism.. Mongolians don't mix Chinggis and Buddhism. So Akskl this site - http://www.zanabazar.mn - site for buddhists and tourists guide. It is upto the viewer how seriously it should be taken
Zdes' kazahskii sportivnyi akademik K. Zakir'yanov sam govorit' chto ON POSETIL BURHAN HALDUN He said he was in Burhan Haldun Mountain last summer of 2006. He proves that at time - The Mountain is in the same place, The Burhan Haldun is still the same. Don't lie Mrs Aksakal
I think - something wrong with Kok-kyrgyz. I stop respond to him. Have a good time kok-kazah
Sartuuls came to Mongolia as captured people from probably Qwaresm-Central Asia in XIII century. By XV-XVI century, they become very Mongolian. So they were included in core Mongol Clans Seichas Sartuul schitayut sebe kak Halh Mongoli
Before Chinggis Haan, there were Hamag Mongol aimag. Khaan was Habul Khan, Ambagai Cecen Khaan ... There are also many clan system, division like Nirun Mongol, Darligan Mongol...
I had good picture of chained wolf in front of mongol family ger. Interesting that they (turko) are very sentimental about their wolf origin. Mongols have legend that says Burtechinu and Goo Maral were origin of Mongols. Seems like mongols have quite practical reasoning about wolf.
Togda pochemu kyrgyzy ne zanimayutsya s delom демонголоизация Чингисхана. Vy (kyrgyzy) nenavidete Чингисхана kak ya ponyal iz drugih foruma. Pochemu takie sovsem drugie interesyi u vas - :kg1: :kz1: родные братья.
how shall i insert pistures??? I had good wolf picture
Ей , Kok-kyrgyz зачем тебе пишить за казахов. Казахы как нация (Казахстан) очень молодои. Они ищут свой идентичность- казахскости (казакшылык). Но зачем они так долго занимаются с демонголоизация Чингисхана. Другого нету у них что ли. Ну кыргызи и казахы почти одинаковы народ. Почему Кыргызы не кричать о своих Чингисхана. Потому что Кыргызи тут древны народ . из http://zonakz.net/articles/11750
Recent studies based on mass DNA testing have suggested that 16 million men living in Eurasia are descended from a single figure in the early 13th century, presumed to be Genghis. President (of Mongolia) Enkhbayar said: "That shows he is not just Mongolia's; he is the world's." from http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml.../11/wkhan11.xml
iz http://zonakz.net/articles/7453 Мурат Ауэзов: "Мы - интеллигенция, которая прошла политическую школу"
I looook for any mongolian response in Mongolian newspaper or internet forums. Unfortunately I could not find anything. Seems like nobody care about that here someone put in responses http://www.sonin.mn/?p=5274 21. Bone ( | 2007.01.11, 21:00 a Mongolian reader's response in another place, one said"- Let them sleep, Let them dream
http://www.turkishdailynews.com.tr/archives.php?id=36269 Kazakh tourist and scholars are also welcome to visit your ancestors sites. If they are rich enough to invest, that is also great . For that reason, there must be good relatioship
If kazakhs are searching for their root and find in Mongolia, that is welcome. Instead of insulting Mongols who kept ancient traditions and monuments. Kazakhs should behave/ act like Turkey. Mongolia always welcome anyone who have good intention Turkey and its scholars have much more mature approach than these kazakh boys. http://www.zaman.com/