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  1. Река Орхон течет через вулканические камни / корум/ в Увурхангайском аймаке.
  2. Суварга Хайрхан уул.Высота 3117 м.Цэнхэр сомон.Архангайский аймак. Отсюда берет начало легендарная река Орхон. Также река Тамир.
  3. OUR MULTI-CULTURAL MONARCHY As well as being the great family tree of Canadian history, the Royal Family also connects us directly with the wider panorama of recorded human history, embracing the four corners of the world and many of its races. ARAB Queen Elizabeth II descends from the Muslims who created the Arab Andalusian civilization of Spain. Since some of those people sprang from the family of the Prophet, the Queen herself is a descendant of Mohammed. When Her Majesty visited Morocco in 1980, the Moroccan media pointed out this Islamuc ancestry of Canada’s Queen. ARMENIAN The Prince of Wales (Charles) descends from both the medieval Armenian Kings and from the earlier rulers of ancient Armenia. AUSTRIAN (and SWISS) All the immediate Royal Family have Habsburg ancestors who came originally from Switzerland, and who created the state of Austria. BOSNIAN Stephen Tvrtko, who his made his Kingdom of Bosnia the greatest Balkan power in the Middle Ages, is an ancestor of The Queen through her grandmother Queen Mary. BELGIAN Although the modern Belgian state dates from only 1830, the Belgian cultural heritage is that of old Burgundy. The famous Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy, is a direct ancestor of Charles, Princes of Wales. Pictures show them looking remarkably alike ! BYZANTINE GREEK The Duke of Edinburgh (Prince Philip) has the blood of the Angeloi and Sommenoi Emperors of the East as well as of the famous Palaeologus Sovereigns of Byzantium in his veins. CHINESE During the visit of Elizabeth II to China in 1986, articles published in the Chinese media traced Her Majesty’s lineage to the Tang Dynasty, whose Emperors provided the Chinese Empire with a period of great peace, prosperity and artistic achievement. CROATIAN The Croatian ancestry of The Queen includes the House of Subic. Her Majesty is also descended from several Bans of Croatia. CUMAN The Cumans originally lived in southern Russia before being driven west into Hungary by the Mongols. Kutyen, their Khan, is an ancestor of Charles, Prince of Wales. CZECH All the Bohemian Kings who left children are ancestors of Charles, Prince of Wales. - 2 - DANISH Through the Duke of Edinburgh (Prince Philip) the Royal Family is Danish in the male line. DUTCH William the Silent, Prince of Orange and founder of the Dutch state, is a forebear of Charles, Prince of Wales. ENGLISH Charles, Prince of Wales, descends from every English King who left descendants except Charles I, Charles II and James II. The Prince’s sons, Prince William and Prince Harry of Wales, are descendants several times over of Charles I, Charles II and James II through their mother, the late Diana, Princess of Wales. FRENCH Queen Elizabeth II is descended from Saint Louis, who was King Louis IX, the most famous medieval King of France, and from many other Carolingin, Capetian and Valois Sovereigns. Through their mother, the late Diana, Princess of Wales, Princes William and Harry of Wales are descended five times over from Henri IV, King of France, who sent Champlain to Canada, and who by insisting that commercial activities in the new land be accompanied by settlement, laid the original foundations for the French-speaking community of Canada. GEORGIAN Now once again an independent country, Georgia was a Kingdom has long ago as the days of the Greco-Roman world. The Prince of Wales (Charles) descends from many of its ancient and modern monarchs. GERMAN German ancestry makes up a good part of the Royal Family’s background. Included in it are the great medieval Emperors and the dynasties of Bavaria, Saxony, Hesse, Baden, Mecklenburg, Brunswick and Anhalt, as well as such famous families as Hohenlohe, Moltke and Trauttmansdorf. Frederick the Great was an ancestral uncle of the Duke of Edinburgh (Prince Philip). IRISH Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother brought into the Royal Family the blood of the Dal Cais and Eoganacht dynasties of Munster and that of the Ui Neill High Kings. Charles, Prince of Wales, also descends from Brian Boru, Nial of the Nine Hostages and the Iron Age sacral Kings of Tara. ITALIAN The Dukes of Savoy, the medieval Kings of Sicily, the Orsini of Rome, the Visconti of Milan, the della Scala of Verona and the Doria of Genoa are among the many Italian families whose blood has come to Charles, Prince of Wales. JEWISH Charles, Prince of Wales, descends from the Colonna family who were Jewish in origin. He also has descent from the Khazars (see below) who adopted Judaism as their religion. The Queen and her family enjoy another Jewish descent from an historical figure named Makhir. - 3 - He was a Jewish Prince of the Davidic Royal House sent by Caliph Harun-al-Rashid as ambassador to the Emperor Charlemagne at the end of the 9th Century. Makhir remained in Europe where he founded a family, one of whose descendants married into the medieval English Royal Family. KHAZAR The Khazars formed a powerful state between the Byzantine Empire and the Islamic world. The Queen is descended from Menu Morat, Elteber of the Bihar Khazars. LITHUANIAN The Queen is a descendant of Gedimin, the last pagan King of the Lithuanians who died in 1341. MONGOL The Prince of Wales (Charles) is a direct descendant of Genghis Khan. This relationship provides The Royal Family with another link to China, for Genghis Khan’s grandson Kublai Khan became Emperor of China and founder of its Yuan Dynasty. NORWEGIAN Harold Haardrade, King of Norway, and the old Norse jarls of Orkney are ancestors of Charles, Prince of Wales. PERSIAN Through their mother, Princes William and Harry of Wales descend from Arsakes Vologaeses V Dikaios Epiphanes Philhellen, sacral King of Parthia, and of the Parthian Royal House of Arsaces who ruled Persia (Iran), Mesopotamia and Babylon (Iraq). The Parthian kings claimed descent from the earlier Achaemenid Dynasty. If true, this relationship makes the young Princes descendants of Cyrus the Great, and establishes a blood link with Classical Greece. POLISH The original Piast Dynasty and Jagielonian Kings up to Sygmunt I (d. 1548) are all ancestors of The Prince of Wales (Charles). During her visit to Poland in 1996, The Queen made public reference to her Polish royal ancestors. PORTUGESE Alfonzo, Duke of Braganza, is an ancestor of The Royal Family. The Holy Constable who secured Portugal’s independence is also an ancestor several times over of Princes William and Harry of Wales. ROMANIAN Queen Mary, grandmother of Elizabeth II, brought Romanian blood into The Royal Family as well as Hungarian. Thus the Queen is descended from Vlad Dracul, Prince of Wallachia and father of the original Dracula ! RUSSIAN The Prince of Wales (Charles) descends from Peter the Great and Catherine the Great as well as the princes of the Rurik period. The later Russian Emperors through the murdered Nicholas II were close relatives of The Royal Family. - 4 - SCOTTISH King George VI (his grandfather) and the Duke of Edinburgh (his father) together provide the Prince of Wales (Charles) with twenty-two descents from Mary Queen of Scots and over two hundred from Robert the Bruce. SERBIAN Serbia’s greatest ruler, Emperor Stephen Dusan, and the first King of Serbia, Stephen I, are both ancestors of The Queen. SPANISH Ferdinand and Isabella, sponsors of Columbus’ expedition to America, and the epic Spanish hero El Cid are among the notable Spanish ancestors of Elizabeth II. SWEDISH Through Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, his son The Prince of Wales (Charles) is descended from the Peace Kings of Uppsala and the rulers of Sweded in the age of the sagas, as well as many other of the historic figures of that land. UKRANIAN Elizabeth II is 31st in direct descent from Volodymyr Monomachus, ruler of the Ukraine. WELSH As is appropriate for a Prince of Wales, Charles is descended from Llywelen the Great and most of the Welsh Kings and Princes back to the time the Romans left Britain.
  4. Как принц Чарльз, Дракула и Чингисхан оказались дальними родственниками Дракула Чингисханович Валашский господарь Влад III Басараб, известный нам как Дракула (сын Дракона) и Цепеш (сажающий на кол), принадлежал к древнему роду Басарабов. Всю свою жизнь Влад боролся с внутренними и внешними врагами. Именно в ходе этих событий он научился сажать людей на кол, за что анонимный автор 15 века сочинил на него памфлет. В эпоху книгопечатания варианты сочинения разошлись по разным странам. Дело закончилось тем, что в 1897 году Брэм Стокер опубликовал роман, в котором по-своему изложил историю жизни Влада III, навечно превратив его в кровожадного вампира. Пока кинематографисты Голливуда стебались в своих фильмах над гордым валашским героем, казахский историк Жаксылык Сабитов начал кропотливые изыскания. Видимо, таким образом ему удалось разузнать, что Басарабы связаны родственными узами с главным повелителем монголов. Дракула, по его словам, приходится дальним потомком Басараба, тот, в свою очередь, является сыном Токтимура, приходящегося внуком Шибану. Ну а дальше всё просто: Шибан, как известно, был сыном Джучи, а Джучи - сыном Чингисхана. https://dzen.ru/a/YP5exrtdn1FTrE6b?utm_referer=www.google.com
  5. Кидани с тамгой ашамай. Китайский рисунок 10-11 века. Вполне они ашамайлы керей.
  6. Наследник британского престола Принц Уэльский Чарльз является потомком жившего в XV веке румынского князя Влада Цепеша Дракулы. Этот факт используется в рекламной брошюре, которую распространяет для повышения турпотока британских путешественников в свою страну на открывшейся в минувший понедельник в Лондоне мировой ярмарке путешествий Организация по национальному туризму Румынии. О своем кровном родстве со знаменитым князем, которое идет по линии прапрабабушки принца Уэльского, Чарльз заявлял в своем интервью. Ролик с этим интервью теперь активно используется Организацией по национальному туризму Румынии для улучшения бизнес-показателей туристического сектора страны. Сам принц Уэльский Чарльз является не только частым гостем в Румынии, но и инвестировал в эту страну значительные средства. Ему принадлежит большое поместье в центре страны, он вложил деньги в оборудование завода по производству яблочного сока из местного сырья. Что же касается исторического князя Влада Цепеша Дракулы, кровное родство с которым служит одной из нитей, связывающих принца Уэльского с Румынией, то его легендарная кровожадность, благодаря которой народная молва окрестила его вампиром, историкам представляется значительно преувеличенной. https://fakty.com.ua/ru/svit/20121106-1462067/
  7. https://globalmillionairemag.com/2021/06/01/steven-harold-jorchen/
  8. Выходит.что казахское -уй это прото тунгусское- иб, а монгольское өв -индоевропейское слово. прото-тунгусским *ib-le - двор, жилище,
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