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Steppe Man

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Весь контент Steppe Man

  1. Dosjan @ guest house in Tsagaan nuur Reindeer people are Tuvan people who have been living northern end of Khuvsgul lake, on both sides of Russian Mongolian border. Speaks tuvan language which is from Turkic language group. As i am kazakh and i speak turkish languages, it was possible for me to understand much of their talks. Just for an example, the numbers were exactly the same with kazakh and turkish, in their language. Later on the way when we were talking with Haltar. we found out that the leader Ganba is a shaman boo. Shaman boo is the one who can get in to the trans and communicate with the ancestors of the tribe and get information from them. They are also fortune teller. We have suggested our trip itinerary with these people here and got agreed on plans. Every thing was perfect! have just arrived back to the Haltar’s guest house! https://www.kazakhtour.com/the-last-reindeer-or-tsaatan-people-of-mongolia/
  2. Она моя дальняя родственница по материнской линии..
  3. Раньше в Цагаан саре давали гостям /цагаалганы шөл/ бульеон с ячменем и творогом типа вашего наурыз көже. Сегодня эта традиция почти забыта.
  4. Б.Батцэцэг .халха-кыргызка .новый министр иностранных дел Монголии.
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