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  3. Высота изображения 668
  4. Ширина изображения 1566
  5. Цвет Верно
  6. Порядок байтов Motorola Неверно
  7. IFD0.Title E�a�s�t� �H�e�m�i�s�p�h�e�r�e� �i�n� �2�0�0� �A�D���
  8. IFD0.Comments T�h�i�s� �m�a�p� �w�a�s� �c�r�e�a�t�e�d� �b�y� �T�h�o�m�a�s� �L�e�s�s�m�a�n�,� �a�s� �p�a�r�t� �o�f� �"�T�a�l�e�s�s�m�a�n�'�s� �A�t�l�a�s� �o�f� �W�o�r�l�d� �H�i�s�t�o�r�y�"�.� �T�h�i�s� �m�a�p� �i�s� �c�o�p�y�r�i�g�h�t� �t�o� �T�h�o�m�a�s� �L�e�s�s�m�a�n� �a�n�d� �i�s� �a�v�a�i�l�a�b�l�e� �u�n�d�e�r� �t�h�e� �l�i�c�e�n�s�e� � �� C�-�C�-�b�y�-�n�c�-�n�d�� .� �(�C�r�e�a�t�i�v�e� �C�o�m�m�o�n�s�-�A�t�t�r�i�b�u�t�i�o�n�-�N�o�n�C�o�m�m�e�r�c�i�a�l�-�N�o�D�e�r�i�v�a�t�i�v�e�s�)�.� � � � � �F�o�r� �m�o�r�e� �a�b�o�u�t� �l�e�g�a�l� �u�s�e�,� �s�e�e� �w�w�w�.�W�o�r�l�d�H�i�s�t�o�r�y�M�a�p�s�.�i�n�f�o�.� � �E�m�a�i�l� �t�a�l�e�s�s�m�a�n�@�w�o�r�l�d�h�i�s�t�o�r�y�m�a�p�s�.�i�n�f�o���
  9. IFD0.Author T�h�o�m�a�s� �A�.� �L�e�s�s�m�a�n���
  10. IFD0.Keywords W�o�r�l�d� �H�i�s�t�o�r�y� �M�a�p�s�,� �E�a�s�t�e�r�n� �H�e�m�i�s�p�h�e�r�e�,� �W�o�r�l�d� �H�i�s�t�o�r�y�,� �M�a�p�s�,� �H�i�s�t�o�r�y�,� �R�o�m�e�,� �R�o�m�a�n� �E�m�p�i�r�e�,� �E�u�r�o�p�e�,� �A�s�i�a�,� �A�f�r�i�c�a�,� �M�i�d� �E�a�s�t�,� �M�i�d�d�l�e� �E�a�s�t�,� �E�g�y�p�t�,� �I�r�a�n�,� �C�h�i�n�a�,� �I�n�d�i�a�,� �C�e�n�t�r�a�l� �A�s�i�a�,� �N�o�m�a�d�s�,� �I�s�l�a�m�,� �M�o�s�l�e�m�,� �M�u�s�l�i�m�,� �A�r�a�b�,� �C�a�r�t�h�a�g�e�,� �G�r�e�e�c�e�,� �B�y�z�a�n�t�i�n�e�,� �H�e�l�l�e�n�i�s�t�i�c�,� �N�o�m�a�d�s�,� �t�r�i�b�e�s�,� �c�i�v�i�l�i�z�a�t�i�o�n�,� �h�i�s�t�o�r�i�c�a�l� �m�a�p�s�,� �h�i�s�t�o�r�i�c�a�l�,� �c�u�l�t�u�r�e�,� �c�u�l�t�u�r�e�s�,� �p�a�s�t�,� �b�o�r�d�e�r�s�,� �a�n�c�i�e�n�t�,� �m�e�d�i�e�v�a�l�,� �p�r�e�h�i�s�t�o�r�y�,� �P�e�r�s�i�a�n�,� �P�e�r�s�i�a�,� �A�r�m�e�n�i�a�,� �c�o�n�q�u�e�s�t�s�,� �E�m�p�i�r�e�,� �E�m�p�i�r�e�s�,� �K�i�n�g�d�o�m�s�,� �K�i�n�g�d�o�m�,� �r�e�v�o�l�t�,� �r�e�v�o�l�u�t�i�o�n�,� �m�i�d�d�l�e� �a�g�e�s�,� �d�a�r�k� �a�g�e�s�,� �e�r�a�,� �n�a�t�i�o�n�s�,� �c�o�u�n�t�r�i�e�s�,� �T�h�o�m�a�s� �A� �L�e�s�s�m�a�n�,� �T�h�o�m�a�s� �L�e�s�s�m�a�n�,� �L�e�s�s�m�a�n���
  11. IFD0.Subject W�o�r�l�d� �H�i�s�t�o�r�y� �M�a�p�s� �b�y� �T�h�o�m�a�s� �A�.� �L�e�s�s�m�a�n���
  12. WINXP.Title East Hemisphere in 200 AD
  13. WINXP.Comments This map was created by Thomas Lessman, as part of "Talessman's Atlas of World History". This map is copyright to Thomas Lessman and is available under the license ?C-C-by-nc-nd?. (Creative Commons-Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives). For more about legal use, see www.WorldHistoryMaps.info. Email talessman@worldhistorymaps.info
  14. WINXP.Author Thomas A. Lessman
  15. WINXP.Keywords World History Maps, Eastern Hemisphere, World History, Maps, History, Rome, Roman Empire, Europe, Asia, Africa, Mid East, Middle East, Egypt, Iran, China, India, Central Asia, Nomads, Islam, Moslem, Muslim, Arab, Carthage, Greece, Byzantine, Hellenistic, Nomads, tribes, civilization, historical maps, historical, culture, cultures, past, borders, ancient, medieval, prehistory, Persian, Persia, Armenia, conquests, Empire, Empires, Kingdoms, Kingdom, revolt, revolution, middle ages, dark ages, era, nations, countries, Thomas A Lessman, Thomas Lessman, Lessman
  16. WINXP.Subject World History Maps by Thomas A. Lessman
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