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Photo Information

  1. Original File Size 312252
  2. Mime Type image/jpeg
  3. Image Height 1800
  4. Image Width 1200
  5. Color TRUE
  6. Byte Order Motorola TRUE
  7. Aperture f/1.8
  8. Focus Distance 1.60m
  9. IFD0.ImageWidth 2000
  10. IFD0.ImageLength 3000
  11. IFD0.PhotometricInterpretation 2
  12. Image Description Photos by Palani Mohan mail@palanimohan.com +85267706907Photos by Palani Mohan mail@palanimohan.com +85267706907Kazakh eagle hunter of Mongolia Photos by: Palani Mohan mail@palanimohan.com
  13. Camera Make Canon
  14. Camera Model Canon EOS 5D Mark II
  15. Orientation The 0th row is at the visual top of the image, and the 0th column is the visual left-hand side
  16. IFD0.SamplesPerPixel 3
  17. X-Resolution 720000/10000
  18. Y-Resolution 720000/10000
  19. Resolution Unit 2
  20. Software Adobe Photoshop CS5 Macintosh
  21. Last Modified 2012:03:05 10:11:19
  22. Exposure Time 10/1600
  23. F Number 18/10
  24. Exposure Program Shutter priority
  25. ISO Speed Ratings 200
  26. Exif Version 0221
  27. Date Taken 2011:12:03 15:25:56
  28. Date Digitized 2011:12:03 15:25:56
  29. Shutter Speed 7321928/1000000
  30. Aperture Value 1695994/1000000
  31. Exposure Bias Value 0/6
  32. Subject Distance 16/10
  33. Metering Mode Pattern
  34. Flash 16
  35. Focal Length 500/10
  36. EXIF.SubSecTime 44
  37. Flashpix Version Flashpix Format Version 1.0
  38. Color Space 65535
  39. Image Width 1200
  40. Image Length 1800
  41. 1#090 �%G
  42. IPTC.Caption Photos by Palani Mohan mail@palanimohan.com +85267706907Photos by Palani Mohan mail@palanimohan.com +85267706907Kazakh eagle hunter of Mongolia Photos by: Palani Mohan mail@palanimohan.com
  43. IPTC.DateCreated 20111203
  44. IPTC.TimeCreated 000000+0000
  45. 2#221 0:0:0:001393
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